V dňoch 16.1. - 20.1.2017 sa zástupcovia Ústavu IAM zúčastnili školenia Basic training WinCC OA spoločnosti Siemens v rakúskom Eisenstadte.
V rámci podpory šírenia nových vedeckých publikácií umožňuje vydavateľstvo Elsevier 50-dňový voľný prístup k článku:
Flanders Make (www.flandersmake.be) is the strategic research centre for the manufacturing industry. They have establishments in Lommel and Leuven in Belgium and work together in a structural way with research departments of the 5 Flemish universities.
The Mechatronics group at the Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (www.merl.com), located in Cambridge (MA) has an open Research Scientist position (staff) in Vehicle Systems Estimation and Control for researchers that can cover one or more of the following areas: vehicle dynamics estimation and control, sampling-based methods for path planning, Bayesian inference and particle methods, estimation algorithms.
The Mechatronics group at the Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (www.merl.com), located in Cambridge (MA) has a number of Intern Positions for 2017 (not restricted to Summer) in the area of dynamical systems and controls, ranging from theoretical work in control and optimization algorithms, to applications in autonomous vehicles, space systems, HVAC, and mechatronics.
Firma Areko vo Vajnoroch hľadá dvoch ľudí so zameraním na meraciu a regulačnú techniku, pozície obchodno-technický manažér a vedúci kalibračného laboratória. Riaditeľ firmy Ing. Rudolf Košťál je absolvent KIRP, 1981.