Course unit code:
Course unit title:
Základy matematiky II
Mode of delivery, planned learning activities and teaching methods:
lecture – 2 hours weekly (on-site method)
seminar – 4 hours weekly (on-site method)
Credits allocated:
Recommended semester:
Process Control (remedial) – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 2. semester
Level of study:
Prerequisites for registration:
Assesment methods:
Students can get a maximum of 100 points: - two written tests during the semester, each for 20 points, - written exam, 60 points. Rating: A (92-100 points), B (83-91 points), C (74-82 points), D (65-73 points), E (56-64 points), Fx (0-55 points).
Learning outcomes of the course unit:
Students improve the foundations of secondary school mathematics and acquire new knowledge of mathematics to the extent necessary for the study of other bachelor study subjects.
Course contents:
Exponential and logarithmic functions; goniometric functions; complex numbers; analytic geometry in the plane (straight line, circle, parabola, hyperbola, ellipse) and sequences of numbers.

Recommended or required reading:
  • BELÁKOVÁ, S. – GALL, M. – TAKÁČ, Z. Základy matematiky pre technické odbory. Bratislava : Nakladateľstvo STU, 2012. 156 s. ISBN 978-80-227-3778-4.
  • KOLIBIAROVÁ, B. – WALLNER, T. Príklady na opakovanie stredoškolskej matematiky. Bratislava : Alfa, 1990. 83 s. ISBN 80-05-00344-7.
  • POLÁK, J. Středoškolská matematika v úlohách I. Brno: Prometheus, 2006. 371 s. ISBN 80-71963-37-2.
  • MARKECHOVÁ, D. – ŠVECOVÁ, V. – TIRPÁKOVÁ, A. – STEHLÍKOVÁ, B. Základy matematiky a rozvoj matematickej logiky. Nitra : Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, 2011. 133 s. ISBN 978-80-8094-902-0.
  • KOVÁČIK, J. Stredoškolská matematika v príkladoch: pre gymnáziá, stredné priemyselné školy, obchodné akadémie, stredné odborné učilištia. Bratislava : Iura Edition, 2005. ISBN 80-8078-046-3.
Language of instruction:
Slovak, English
Assessed students in total:

A 10.5 %

B 13.2 %

C 28.9 %

D 5.3 %

E 39.5 %

FX 2.6 %

Name of lecturer(s):
P. Jánoš, N. Krivoňáková, A. Maťašovský (2023/2024 – Winter)
Ľ. Horanská, N. Krivoňáková, M. Langerová, A. Maťašovský (2022/2023 – Winter)
N. Krivoňáková, A. Maťašovský (2021/2022 – Winter)
N. Krivoňáková, A. Maťašovský (2020/2021 – Winter)
N. Krivoňáková, A. Maťašovský, T. Visnyai (2019/2020 – Winter)
N. Krivoňáková, A. Maťašovský, T. Visnyai (2018/2019 – Winter)
Course supervisor:
doc. RNDr. Zdenko Takáč, PhD.
Last modification:
19. 9. 2019

Department of Mathematics

AIS: 2024/2025   2023/2024   2021/2022   2019/2020   2018/2019  

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