Course unit code:
Course unit title:
Mathematical Methods in Environmental Engineering
Mode of delivery, planned learning activities and teaching methods:
lecture – 5 hours weekly (on-site method)
Credits allocated:
Recommended semester:
Chémia a technológia životného prostredia – (full-time, attendance method), 0. semester
Level of study:
Prerequisites for registration:
Assesment methods:
Students should work out their homework and to obtain the test.
Learning outcomes of the course unit:
Get acquainted students with the fundamentals of statistical methods, teach them to handle univariate and multivariate datasets with the assistance of statistical software.
Course contents:
1. Models of data files (allowance 6/0)
a. Models of simple data files - ANOVA
b. Models of multiple data files - MANOVA
c. Discriminant

2. Predictions in regression models (allowance 6/0)
a. Parametric regression models
b. Nonparametric regression models
c. Regression models with conditions

Recommended or required reading:
  • VARGA, Š. Matematická štatistika. Bratsilava : Nakladateľstvo STU, 2012. 219 s. ISBN 978-80-227-3789-0.
  • VOLAUF, P. Matematická štatistika: Zbierka príkladov. Bratislava : STU v Bratislave, 2001. 166 s. ISBN 80-227-1523-9.
  • ROUSSAS, G G. A course in mathematical statistics. San Diego : Academic Press, 1997. 572 s. ISBN 0-12-599315-3.
  • VARGA, Š. – ŠABO, M. – POSPÍCHAL, J. Matematika III: Matematická štatistika a numerické metódy. Bratislava : STU v Bratislave FCHPT, 2003. 202 s. ISBN 80-227-1840-8.
  • MONTGOMERY, D C. – RUNGER, G C. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers. New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2002. 706 s. ISBN 0-471-20454-4.
Language of instruction:
Slovak, English
Assessed students in total:

A 100 %

B 0 %

C 0 %

D 0 %

E 0 %

FX 0 %

Name of lecturer(s):
N. Krivoňáková (2023/2024 – Winter)
Z. Takáč (2022/2023 – Winter)
Course supervisor:
doc. RNDr. Vladimír Baláž, CSc.
Last modification:
5. 10. 2019

Department of Mathematics

AIS: 2019/2020   2000/2001   2000/2001   2000/2001  

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