Course unit code:
Course unit title:
Process control project
Mode of completion and Number of ECTS credits:
Class req (6 credits)
Course supervisor:
doc. Ing. Juraj Oravec, PhD.
Name of lecturer(s):
P. Bakaráč, J. Oravec (2023/2024 – Winter)
M. Fikar, J. Oravec (2021/2022 – Winter)
Learning outcomes of the course unit:
The project represents individual student work to solve control of laboratory processes in chemical and biochemical technologies. The teamwork develops a student’s skills and experiences necessary to solve the complex controller design task. Student combined knowledge from various subjects in engineering study. He studies a mathematical model of the selected laboratory process, designs and simulates its behaviour, and verifies it at the actual plant. In conclusion, student forms results, present them and defends them in the scientific discussion.
Prerequisites for registration:
Course contents:
Recommended or required reading:
  • BAKOŠOVÁ, M. - FIKAR, M. Riadenie procesov. STU v Bratislave, 2008. 1 s. ISBN 978-80-227-2841-6.
  • MIKLEŠ, J. - FIKAR, M. Process Modelling, Identification, and Control. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2007. 480 p. ISBN 978-3-540-71969-4.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods:
Contact teaching: • consultations 26 h • laboratory practice on the project – 26 h • presentation and defence of the project – 2h Contactless teaching: • preparation for particular tasks (study of literature, calculations) - 20 h • evaluation of the laboratory measurements – 30 h • preparation of the project presentation – 20 h
Assesment methods and criteria:
The final grade consists of an evaluation of the final presentation of the project results in front of a committee (40%) and final report (60%). The final grade is given by the Study rules of the STU. To obtain credits for the subject, the student has to reach at least 56% of the maximum number of points.
Language of instruction:
Slovak, English
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