Course unit code:
Course unit title:
Organic Chemistry I
Mode of delivery, planned learning activities and teaching methods:
lecture – 2 hours weekly (on-site method)
seminar – 2 hours weekly (on-site method)
Credits allocated:
Recommended semester:
Biotechnológia – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 3. semester
Chemical Engineering – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 5. semester
Potraviny, výživa, kozmetika – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 3. semester
Process Control – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 3. semester
Process Control (remedial) – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 5. semester
Level of study:
Prerequisites for registration:
Assesment methods:
The exam consists of a written test and an oral test for 50 points. To successfully passing the exam, the student must achieve at least 28 points.
Learning outcomes of the course unit:
The basic knowledge's about the structures, properties and reactivity of organic compounds. Explanation of the course of reactions of organic compounds based on their mechanisms.
Course contents:
1. Structure and bonding in organic molecules. (allowance 2/2)
a. Ionic and covalent bonds.
b. Atomic, hybrid and molecular orbitals.
c. Electron effects.
d. Kinetics and thermodynamics of organic reactions.

2. Alkanes and cykloalkanes. (allowance 4/4)
a. Structural and physical properties of alkanes .
b. Stability of radicals and radical substitution reactions of alkanes.
c. Conformational analysis of alkanes and cycloalkanes.
d. Stereoisomerism. Enantiomers, diastereoisomers , absolute configuration and Fischer projection.

3. Unsaturated hydrocarbons. (allowance 6/6)
a. Structure, physical properties and reactivity of alkenes. Electrophilic and radical addition reactions. Regioselectivity and diastereoselectivity of reactions.
b. Dienes, delocalized electron systems and energy of conjugation.
c. Electrophilic attack on butadiene, kinetic and thermodynamic control of reaction. Stereoselectivity of cycloaddition reactions.
d. Structure of alkynes, regioselectivity and stereoselectivity of addition reactions. Acid-base reactions of terminal alkynes.

4. Aromatic compounds. (allowance 4/4)
a. Aromaticity and structure of benzene.
b. Electrophilic aromatic substitution of benzene.
c. Effects of substituents on relative rates and regioselectivity of electrophilic attack.
d. Reactions of substituents on benzene ring.

5. Structure and reactivity of alkyl- and arylhalides. (allowance 4/4)
a. Mechanisms and stereochemistry of nucleophilic substitution reactions. Effect of structure of substrate and reaction conditions on the nucleophilic substitution.
b. Elimination reactions E1 and E2.
c. Structure and reactivity of organometallic compounds Mg, Li, Zn and Cu.

6. Hydroxy derivatives. (allowance 6/6)
a. Structure and physical properties of alcohols.
b. Substitution and elimination reactions of alcohols, nucleophilic rearrangements.
c. Structure and reactivity of phenols.
d. Physical properties, structure and reactivity of ethers.
e. Sulfur analogs of alcohols and ethers.

Recommended or required reading:
  • MCMURRY, J. Organická chemie. Brno: VUTIUM, 2007. 1176 s. ISBN 80-214-3291-8.
  • MCMURRY, S. Studijní příručka a řešené příklady k českému vydání učebnice John McMurry: Organická chemie. Praha : Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze, 2009. 725 s. ISBN 978-80-7080-703-1.
  • SCHORE, N E. – VOLLHARDT, K P C. Organic Chemistry. Structure and Function. New York: W. H. Freeman and Co., 1999. 1208 s. ISBN 0-7167-2721-8.
  • SCHORE, N E. Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry. New York : W.H.Freeman, 1999. 461 s. ISBN 0-7167-3165-7.
  • KOVÁČ, J. – KOVÁČ, Š. – FIŠERA, Ľ. Organická chémia I.diel. Bratislava : STU v Bratislave, 1990. 273 s. ISBN 80-227-0247-1.
Language of instruction:
Slovak, English
The course is recommended for students in the second year of study in the program Biotechnology
Assessed students in total:

A 7.2 %

B 7.6 %

C 15.7 %

D 21.2 %

E 41.5 %

FX 6.8 %

Course supervisor:
prof. Ing. Štefan Marchalín, DrSc.
Last modification:
19. 9. 2019

Department of Organic Chemistry

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