Course unit code:
Course unit title:
Physical education
Mode of delivery, planned learning activities and teaching methods:
seminar – 2 hours weekly (on-site method)
Credits allocated:
Recommended semester:
Chemical Engineering – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 4. semester
Automation, Information Engineering and Management in Chemistry and Food Industry – bachelor (full-time, attendance method), 4. semester
Level of study:
Prerequisites for registration:
Assesment methods:
-- item not defined --
Learning outcomes of the course unit:
Tightening health action to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal system.
Course contents:
1. Aerobic (allowance 0/26)
a. 1-4: Practice of basic aerobic steps, simple choreography, body forming.
b. 5-7: Practice of basic steps and aerobic steps, body forming.
c. 8-9: Practice of more difficult aerobic choreographies.
d. 10-13: Initial choreography, training with tools as expander, weights, overballs and qualification awards.

2. Fitballs (allowance 0/26)
a. 1: Introduction to the course, getting information on the impact of exercise on health decline, principles of good sitting on fitballs, getting the basic data of the students (age, height, weight, and laterality).
b. 2: Theoretical and practical info on basic technique exercises on fitballs. Demonstrations and practice on basic techniques.
c. 3: Initial warm-up - aerobics on the ball, training and improvement of the basic exercises on the balls, balance exercises while seated on the ball, relaxation exercises
d. 4: Initial warm up and warm up the whole body. Exercises aimed on strengthening and stretching muscles torso and upper limbs on the music.
e. 5: Warm up and exercises aimed on strengthening and stretching the abdominal muscles.
f. 6: Warm up and exercises aimed on strengthening and stretching the legs.
g. 7: Warm up and exercises aimed on strengthening the arms and legs using ½ kg dumbbells + stretching.
h. 8: Warm up and exercises to relieve muscle strain and strengthening the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine using fitballs.
i. 9: Warm up and fun exercises individually, in pairs, in groups + stretching.
j. 10: Warm up and exercise in standing and sitting on a support using overballs + stretching.
k. 11: Warm up and exercises in lying positions (side, on the back, on the stomach) using overballs + stretching.
l. 12: Warm up and strength training exercises on the balls using the rubber expanders.
m. 13: Getting output of anthropometric data (age, height, weight) of students + qualification awards.

3. Football (allowance 0/26)
a. 1: Introductory lesson.
b. 2-3: Using and principles of site selection and standing around.
c. 4-6: Playing up to and processing or taking over the ball.
d. 7-8: Shooting, as the final game activity in football action.
e. 9-10: The use of leading the balls and over passing the opponent to deal with the situation of the game 1:1.
f. 11-13: Use of defensive game activities in the defence phase of the game.

4. Futsal (allowance 0/26)
a. 1: Introductory lesson.
b. 2-3: Using and principles of site selection and standing around.
c. 4-6: Playing up to and processing or taking over the ball.
d. 7-8: Shooting, as the final game activity in football action.
e. 9-10: The use of leading the balls and over passing the opponent to deal with the situation of the game 1:1.
f. 11-13: Use of defensive game activities in the defence phase of the game.

5. Volleyball (allowance 0/26)
a. 1: Introductory lesson.
b. 2-3: Training of individual game activities -- forearm pass and overhead pass.
c. 4-6: Enhancing of individual game activities -- one-hand dig and one-hand volley. Training and enhancing of attack hit, set ups.
d. 7-8: Training and enhancing of passes -- receiving the serve, defending in the field and at the net (1-block, 2-block).
e. 9-10: Training of basic game combinations.
f. 11-12: Training of game system: 2+4 and 1+5.
g. 13: Game itself and qualification awards.

6. Basketball (allowance 0/26)
a. 1: Introductory lesson.
b. 2-3: Training of basic game activities -- leading the ball, passing, getting free with and without the ball.
c. 4-6: Training of shooting -- by one hand above the head and on the spot, shooting after lay-up, shooting by one hand above the head in the jump from near distances.
d. 7-8: Training of basic defence activities -- with and without the ball.
e. 9-10: Training of attack combination: "throw and run", and attack combination based on numerous prevailing of offenders over the defenders (2:1, 3:2).
f. 11-12: Training of attack combination based on pick and attack system 3-2 opposite defence system and personal defence system.
g. 13: Game itself and qualification awards.

7. Gym (allowance 0/26)
a. 1-3: To acquaint with machines and tools in the gym, demonstration and training of basic exercises of particular muscle parts.
b. 4-5: Circle training on particular stands in the gym.
c. 6-7: Demonstration and training of particular muscle part exercises without any weights with optional using of some tools (fitball, bosu, expander...).
d. 8-12: Particular muscle parts trainings.
e. 13: Circle training and qualification awards.

8. Swimming (allowance 0/26)
a. 1-3: Breathe practice + practice of freestyle and backstroke kicking.
b. 4-6: Improve of freestyle and backstroke kicking, practice of breaststroke and arm-practice of Freestyle and backstroke.
c. 7: Water polo and diving.
d. 8-11: Practice of synchronizing Freestyle and backstroke.
e. 12: Diving.
f. 13: Water polo and qualification awards.

9. Spinning (allowance 0/26)
a. 1-13: Different spinning styles like flat, standing flat, hills and standing hills.

10. Karate (allowance 0/26)
a. 1: Introductory lesson, briefly explaining the history, philosophy and karate ethics. Demonstrating and explaining the basic karate words and counting.
b. 2: Basics of proper breathing in karate and learning of hits "cuki" + specialized karate warm up, obstacle run and light body building.
c. 3: Enhancing the hits "cuki" + practicing the proper blocks, training in couples, standing techniques and whole body moving techniques.
d. 4-7: Enhancing the hits, blocks and changing the positions. Practicing drops eventually forward or backward rolls. Practice and enhance of kicking techniques "geri vaza", training in couples.
e. 8: Bodybuilding block -- circle training focused on rising condition abilities.
f. 10-11: Practical using of particular techniques, practicing arms and using also other techniques of self defence, couple training with changing the partners.
g. 12-13: Breathing exercises, bodybuilding block + recapitulation.

11. Canoening (allowance 0/26)
a. 1-4: Brief course theory, safety precautions, manipulation with canoe, getting in and off the boat, practicing of paddling on the flat water -- forward and backward paddling, controlling the boat by capt.
b. 5-7: Enhancing the paddling on the flat water, practice and enhance of arc strokes and pull ins, rotating the boat on the spot, forward run and riding the boat in the position of capt, changing the positions (front man -- capt).
c. 8-10: Practicing and enhancing riding in the flow, balancing the boat, getting in and out the flow and stopping in flowing.
d. 10-13: Finishing the course by 1-day paddle trip on Morava River (app. 25km), practical solutions in the various situations, using the knowledge and skills, water rescue basics and self rescue basics on the water.

12. Rafting (allowance 0/26)
a. 1-4: Brief rafting course theory, safety precautions, manipulation with the raft, getting in and off the raft, practicing of forward and backward paddling -- synchronizing in the roup, practice and enhance of arc strokes, rotating the boat on the spot.
b. 5-7: Enhancing of paddling on the flat water, enhancing the arc paddle strokes and pull ins, ride on the flowing water, balancing on he flow and getting in and out the flow.
c. 8-13: 2--day course on the white water (accommodation -- mountain cottage), educational film + theory, practical practice of paddling in the flow (according to the water level -- Bela River or artificial canal in Liptovský Mikuláš R6, eventually Hron RiverR2), gaining the practical skills of white water riding, rotation in the flow, stopping on the sides, water rescue basics and self rescue basics (work with the safety rope).

Recommended or required reading:
  • BOBRÍK, M. – BENKO, Ľ. Analýza vzťahov medzi somatometrickými ukazovateľmi a ukazovateľmi funkčnej zdatnosti študentov FCHPT STU v Bratislave: Zborník vedeckých prác z medzinárodnej konferencie Pohyb a zdravie - IV. ročník. In Pohyb a zdravie - IV. ročník: Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia, Trenčín, 3.máj.2007. s. 10–17.
  • BOBRÍK, M. – BENKO, Ľ. – KOLÁRIKOVÁ, A. Analýza vzťahov medzi ukazovateľmi funkčnej zdatnosti poslucháčov FCHPT STU v Bratislave. In Optimalizácia zaťaženia v telesnej a športovej výchove: Zborník referátov z odborného seminára. Bratislava : STU v Bratislave, 1999, ISBN 80-227-1214-0.
  • BOBRÍK, M. Aplikácia vied o športe na katedrách telesnej výchovy a športu na VŠ v SR v poslednom desaťročí. In Medzinárodná konferencia z príležitosti 10. výročia založenia Vied o športe. FTVŠ UK Bratislava 2005. 2005.
  • MIKUŠOVÁ, L. – ŠTURDÍK, E. – MOŠOVSKÁ, S. – BOBRÍK, M. Biochemical aspects of exercise in prevention of overweight and obesity. In s. 105–127.
  • MORAVEC, R. – TOMÁNEK, Ľ. – BOBRÍK, M. Diagnostikovanie tréningového, zápasového zaťaženia a individuálnych zmien trénovanosti u 14 - 15 ročných basketbalistov. Telesná výchova a šport = Physical education and sport, s. 7–12.
  • BOBRÍK, M. Individualizácia pohybového zaťaženia v súvislosti s aktuálnym stavom funkčnej, motorickej trénovanosti a prostriedkami regenerácie u vrcholových a rekreačných športovcov: Č. projektu 1/1396/04 (riešiteľ). In VEGA 2004 - 2006, Moravec a kol.: Č. projektu 1/1396/04 (riešiteľ). s. 1.
  • BOBRÍK, M. – KRIŽAN, M. Komparácia somatometrických ukazovateľov študentov FCHPT STU Bratislava s vybranou vzorkou študentov iných VŠ v SR. In MERICA, M. Vedecké práce 2012. Research papers 2012 [elektronický zdroj]. Bratislava : Nakladateľstvo STU, 2012, s. 15–20. ISBN 978-80-227-3724-1.
  • BOBRÍK, M. Návrat myšlienok Olympie na akademickú pôdu STU. Spektrum, 11. s. 2004. ISSN 1336-2593.
  • BOBRÍK, M. Pohyb, zdravie a výživa. Výživa a zdravie, s. 8–10.
  • BOBRÍK, M. – LENDEL, V. – BENKO, Ľ. Porovnanie výsledkov metód merania tuku omronom a kaliperom na vzorke študentov FCHPT STU. In Pohyb a zdravie. Physical Activities and Human Health: Vedecké práce. Trenčín : Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne, 2004, ISBN 80-8075-014-9.
  • VEDRALOVÁ, L. – BOBRÍK, M. – KOLÁRIKOVÁ, A. – BENKO, Ľ. Somatic and physical fitness relationship of students of Faculty of chemical and Food technology STU. In International scientific conference Aging and Physical activity 2006, Poľsko. 2006, s. 76.
  • BOBRÍK, M. Telesná výchova a šport v podmienkach Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave. In Slovenský školský šport. Národná konferencia o školskom športe 2009, Štrbské pleso, 5.-6.11.2009. Ministerstvo školstva Slovenskej republiky, 2009, s. 192–198.
  • SCHOLZOVÁ, A. – BOBRÍK, M. Telesný rozvoj študentov a študentiek Fakulty chemickej a potravinárskej technológie STU Bratislava. In Telesná výchova, šport, výskum na univerzitách: Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia pri príležitosti 70.výr. STU a 55. výr. katedier a ústavov telesnej výchovy a športu na Slovensku. - Bratislava /Slovenská republika/, 27.-28. 9. 2007. 1st vyd. Bratislava : STU v Bratislave, 2007, s. 142. ISBN 978-80-227-2728-0.
  • BOBRÍK, M. Úroveň intenzity zaťaženia na hodinách telesnej výchovy u študentov. In Ošetrovateľstvo a zdravie III, Pohyb a zdravie VI.: Zborník z vedeckej konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou. 2. apríl 2009, Trenčín, SR. 1st vyd. Trenčín : Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne, 2009, s. 372. ISBN 978-80-8075-384-9.
  • BOBRÍK, M. – BENKO, Ľ. – KOLÁRIKOVÁ, A. Úroveň odrazovej výbušnosti dolných končatín študentov Fakulty chemickej a potravinárskej technológie v škol. r. 2005/2006. Telesná výchova a šport, 16. s. 14–16.
  • HYBENOVÁ, E. – BOBRÍK, M. – LAKATOŠ, B. Vybrané ukazovatele stavu výživy v súbore vysokoškolských študentov STU. In STARUCH, L. – SEKRETÁR, S. Nové trendy v potravinárstve: Zborník vedeckých prác. Bratislava : STU v Bratislave, 2010, s. 115–120. ISBN 978-80-227-3398-4.
  • BOBRÍK, M. – BENKO, Ľ. Výsledky longitudinálneho skúmania vzťahov medzi somatometrickými ukazovateľmi a ukazovateľmi funkčnej zdatnosti študentov FCHPT STU v Bratislave v školských rokoch 2002 - 2007. In Telesná výchova, šport, výskum na univerzitách: Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia pri príležitosti 70.výr. STU a 55. výr. katedier a ústavov telesnej výchovy a športu na Slovensku. - Bratislava /Slovenská republika/, 27.-28. 9. 2007. 1st vyd. Bratislava : STU v Bratislave, 2007, s. 35. ISBN 978-80-227-2728-0.
  • BOBRÍK, M. Výsledky merania vitálnej kapacity pľúc (VC) u študentov FCHPT STU Bratislava vo vzťahu k objemu úsilného výdychu (FEV) v komparácii zdravých a chorých, fajčiarov a nefajčiarov. In JEDLIČKA, J. Akademický šport 2011: Zborník vedeckých prác. Bratislava : SAUŠ, 2011, s. 11–18. ISBN 978-80-552-0696-7.
  • BOBRÍK, M. – BENKO, Ľ. – KOLÁRIKOVÁ, A. Vysokoškoláci a problém podielu tuku na celkovej telesnej hmotnosti. In Vedecké práce z medzinárodnej interdisciplinárnej konferencie. 2005.
  • BOBRÍK, M. Vzťah vitálnej kapacity pľúc (VC) k objemu úsilného výdychu (FEV) v komparácii zdravých a chorých, fajčiarov a nefajčiarov - študentov FCHPT STU v Bratislave. In Ošetrovateľstvo - pohyb - zdravie, Trenčín 2010: Zborník vedeckých prác. s. 328–337.
Language of instruction:
Slovak, English
Assessed students in total:

A 100 %

B 0 %

C 0 %

D 0 %

E 0 %

FX 0 %

Course supervisor:
prof. PhDr. Miroslav Bobrík, PhD.
Last modification:
19. 9. 2019

Department of Physical Education and Sports

AIS: 2024/2025   2023/2024   2021/2022   2019/2020   2018/2019   2017/2018  

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