Project number:
VEGA 1/0071/09
Title of the project:
Advanced methods of optimal control of chemical and biochemical processes
Project type:
VEGA Research Projects
Project duration (start):
Project duration (end):
Principal investigator:
Miroslav Fikar
Monika Bakošová, Lenka Blahová, Štefan Boor, Ľuboš Čirka, Ján Dvoran, Marián Gall, Martin Herceg, Tomáš Hirmajer, Milan Jasem, Michal Kačúr, Martin Kalúz, Mária Karšaiová, Jana Kmeťová, Michal Kvasnica, Katarína Matejičková, Alajos Mészáros, Ján Mikleš, Juraj Oravec, Radoslav Paulen, Michal Paulovič, Marián Podmajerský, Ivana Rauová, Alexander Szűcs, Richard Valo, Anna Vasičkaninová, Juraj Vöröš, Jana Závacká

Number: VEGA 1/0071/09

Period: 1.1.2009 - 31.12.2011

Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Miroslav Fikar, DrSc.

Scientific co-workers: OIRP,  RNDr. M. Jasem, RNDr. Š. Boor


The aim of the project is to design methods and procedures for finding optimal operation points of key technological units in chemical and biochemical process industries. It will make use of on-line and off-line optimisation based on hybrid models. The aims of the project are as follows:

  • Analysis and design of hybrid mathematical models for description of processes of the chemical and food industry, enrichment of syntax of modelling language HYSDEL,
  • Optimal predictive control of hybrid systems using explicit approach: issues of adaptive control and control of precesses with uncertainties,
  • Proposal of methods and techniques for complexity reduction in solutions obtained by parametric programming
  • Development and extension of the MPT toolbox, adding support for robust control and state estimation for hybrid systems


optimal control, predictive control, process control, optimisation


The project deals with research and development of modern optimal control and optimisation methods and focuses into processes typical in chemical and food industries: chemical reactors, distillation columns, waste-water treatment plants, and others. It involves hybrid systems, dynamic and global optimisation methods, predictive control as well as supervisory control with particular stress on computational efficiency and realisability in industry. Developed algorithms, controllers, and control structures will be tested by simulations and in laboratory conditions.

Final evaluation of the project: The project was successfully finished in 2011 and achieved excellent results (official evaluation of the grant agency)



  1. Š. Gyurki: On the difference of the domination number of a digraph and of its reverse. Discrete Applied Mathematics, no. 160, pp. 1270–1276, 2012.
  2. M. Jasem: A Cauchy completion of dually residuated lattice ordered semigroups. Editor(s): M. Kováčová, In Aplimat 2012, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering STU, vol. 11, pp. 55–62, 2012.
  3. M. Jasem: A Cauchy completion of dually residuated lattice ordered semigroups. Journal of Applied Mathematics, no. 3, vol. 5, pp. 15–23, 2012.
  4. M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Clipping-Based Complexity Reduction in Explicit MPC. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, no. 7, vol. 57, pp. 1878–1883, 2012.
  5. R. PaulenM. Fikar – G. Foley – Z. Kovacs – P. Czermak: Time Optimal Control of Batch Membrane Processes. Editor(s): Kozák, Š, Kozáková, A., Rosinová, A., In Kybernetika a informatika: Medzinárodná konferencia SSKI SAV, STU v Bratislave, 2012.


  1. L. Blahová – J. Dvoran: Control Design of Chemical Reactor with Disturbances by Neuro-fuzzy Methods. In Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Preprints, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, pp. 281–284, 2011.
  2. L. Blahová – J. Dvoran: Neuro-Fuzzy Control of the Three Tank System. Editor(s): Fikar, M., Kvasnica. M., In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia, pp. 356–359, 2011.
  3. L. Blahová – J. Dvoran – J. Kmeťová: Intelligent Control of the Three Tank System. Editor(s): Markoš, J., In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, pp. 100–107, 2011.
  4. Š. Boor: Maximum Coverage Method for Feature Subset Selection for Neural Network Training (in Slovak). Computing and Informatics, no. 5, vol. 30, pp. 901–912, 2011.
  5. M. Jasem: On Isometries in GMV-Algebras. Mathematica Slovaca, no. 5, vol. 61, pp. 827–833, 2011.
  6. M. Jasem: On Convergence with a Fixed Regulator in Riesz Groups. Editor(s): O. Šedivý, D. Vallo, K. Vidermanová, In ACTA MATHEMATICA 14, UKF v NITRE, vol. 14, pp. 95–100, 2011.
  7. M. Jasem: Relatively Uniform Convergence in Dually Residuated Lattice Ordered Semigroups. Editor(s): M. Kováčová, In Aplimat 2011, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering STU, vol. 10, pp. 129–135, 2011.
  8. M. Jasem: On convergence with a fixed regulator in dually residuated lattice ordered semigroups. Editor(s): D. Andrejsová, J. Hozman, In Proceedings of International Conference Presentation of Mathematics'11, Technická univerzita v Liberci, pp. 69–77, 2011.
  9. M. Jasem: Weak relatively uniform convergence in dually residuated lattice ordered semigroups. In Contributions to general algebra, Verlag Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, vol. 20, pp. 39–49, 2011.
  10. M. Jasem: Relatively uniform convergence in dually residuated lattice ordered semigroups. Journal of Applied Mathematics, no. 2, vol. 4, pp. 77–83, 2011.
  11. M. KalúzĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Virtual Laboratory of Process Control. Editor(s): Fikar, M., Kvasnica. M., In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia, pp. 348–351, 2011.
  12. M. KalúzĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Remote Control Software for Thermo-Optical Plant. Editor(s): Fikar, M., Kvasnica. M., In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia, pp. 587–592, 2011.
  13. M. KalúzĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: MATLAB Tool for Identification of Nonlinear Systems. Editor(s): Petr Byron, In 19th Annual Conference Proceedings: Technical Computing Prague 2011, Humusoft s.r.o., pp. 62–62, 2011.
  14. M. KalúzĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Remote Experiment in Control Education. AT&P Journal Plus, no. 2, pp. 50–54, 2011.
  15. M. Kvasnica: Multi-Parametric Toolbox, In Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Workbook, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, pp. 101–170, 2011.
  16. M. KvasnicaM. FikarĽ. Čirka – M. Herceg: Complexity Reduction in Explicit Model Predictive Control, In Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Textbook, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, pp. 241–288, 2011.
  17. M. Kvasnica – M. Herceg – Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Explicit Minimum-Time Controllers for Fuzzy Systems. In Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Preprints, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, pp. 287–292, 2011.
  18. M. Kvasnica – M. Herceg – Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Robust Explicit Time-Optimal Control of PWA Systems with Parametric Uncertainties. In Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Preprints, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, pp. 295–300, 2011.
  19. M. Kvasnica – J. Löfberg – M. Fikar: Stabilizing polynomial approximation of explicit MPC. Automatica, no. 10, vol. 47, pp. 2292–2297, 2011.
  20. M. Kvasnica – I. Rauová – M. Fikar: Real-Time Implementation of Model Predictive Control Using Automatic Code Generation. In Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Preprints, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, pp. 311–316, 2011.
  21. M. Kvasnica – I. Rauová – M. Fikar: Separation Functions used in Simplification of Explicit MPC Feedback Laws. In Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Preprints, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, pp. 303–308, 2011.
  22. M. Kvasnica – A. Szűcs – M. Fikar: Automated Piecewise Affine Approximation of Nonlinear Systems. In Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Preprints, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, pp. 319–326, 2011.
  23. M. Kvasnica – A. Szűcs – M. Fikar: Automatic Derivation of Optimal Piecewise Affine Approximations of Nonlinear Systems. In Preprints of the 18th IFAC World Congress Milano (Italy) August 28 - September 2, 2011, pp. 8675–8680, 2011.
  24. J. MiklešĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: H2 MIMO Controller with Integral Action, In Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(s): J. Mikleš, V. Veselý, Slovak University of Technology Press Bratislava, no. 7, pp. 7–12, 2011.
  25. R. PaulenM. Fikar: Tighter Convex Relaxations for Global Optimization Using alphaBB Based Approach. Editor(s): Fikar, M., Kvasnica. M., In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia, pp. 537–542, 2011.
  26. R. PaulenM. Fikar – G. Foley – Z. Kovacs – P. Czermak: Time-optimal diafiltration under gel polarization conditions. In ICOM 2011 - Book of abstracts, pp. 379–380, 2011.
  27. R. PaulenM. Fikar – Z. Kovacs – P. Czermak: Dynamic Optimization of Diafiltration Process for Albumin Production. In Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Preprints, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, pp. 329–334, 2011.
  28. R. PaulenM. Fikar – Z. Kovacs – P. Czermak: Process optimization of diafiltration with time-dependent water adding for albumin production. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, no. 8, vol. 50, pp. 815–821, 2011.
  29. R. PaulenM. Fikar – Z. Kovacs – P. Czermak: Optimal Control of Diafiltration Process for Albumin Production. In Preprints of the 18th IFAC World Congress Milano (Italy) August 28 - September 2, 2011, pp. 14007–14012, 2011.
  30. R. Paulen – G. Foley – M. Fikar – Z. Kovacs – P. Czermak: Minimizing the process time for ultrafiltration/diafiltration under gel polarization conditions. Journal of Membrane Science, no. 1-2, vol. 380, pp. 148–154, 2011.
  31. M. Podmajerský – B. Chachuat – M. Fikar: Integrated Two-Time-Scale Scheme for Real-time Optimisation of Batch Processes. In Preprints of the 18th IFAC World Congress Milano (Italy) August 28 - September 2, 2011, pp. 11405–11410, 2011.
  32. M. Podmajerský – M. Fikar: Real-time Dynamic Optimisation by Integrated Two-Time-Scale Scheme. Editor(s): Fikar, M., Kvasnica. M., In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia, pp. 543–551, 2011.
  33. A. Szűcs – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: MATLAB Toolbox for Automatic Approximation of Nonlinear Functions. Editor(s): Fikar, M., Kvasnica. M., In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia, pp. 119–124, 2011.
  34. J. Závacká – M. Bakošová – K. Matejičková: Robust Control of a CSTR. In Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Preprints, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, pp. 345–350, 2011.


  1. M. Bakošová – D. Puna – A. Vasičkaninová – M. Karšaiová: Robust and PID Stabilization of an Exothermic Reactor, In Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(s): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, vol. 6, pp. 19–25, 2010.
  2. M. Bakošová – K. Vaneková – J. Závacká: PI Controller Design for time Delay Systems. In In Proceedings of the 9th IFACWorkshop on Time Delay Systems, 2010.
  3. M. Bakošová – A. Vasičkaninová – M. Karšaiová: Robust Stabilization of a CSTR with Constrained Input. Editor(s): Markoš, J., In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, pp. 113–125, 2010.
  4. M. Bakošová – A. Vasičkaninová – M. Karšaiová: Robust Static Output Feedback Stabilization of an Exothermic Chemical Reactor with Input Constraints. Editor(s): N. Mastorakis, V. Mladenov, Z. Bojkovic, V. Vasek, In Latest Trends on Systems, WSEAS Press, Corfu Island, Greece, no. I, vol. 14, pp. 341–346, 2010.
  5. M. Bakošová – A. Vasičkaninová – M. Karšaiová: Stabilization of chemical reactors using robust PID controllers. In 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 7 and 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2010, Orgit s.r.o., Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 1249.pdf, 2010.
  6. L. Blahová – J. Dvoran: Control of Chemical Reactor with Disturbances via Neuro-fuzzy Control System (in Slovak). Editor(s): Kozák, Š., Kozáková, A., Rosinová, D., In Medzinárodná konferencia Kybernetika a Informatika, Vydavateľstvo STU, Vazovova 5, 812 43 Bratislava, 2010.
  7. L. Blahová – J. Dvoran: Control of Chemical Reactor with Disturbances Via Neuro-fuzzy Control System. Journal of Cybernetics and Informatics, vol. 10, pp. 66–74, 2010.
  8. L. Blahová – J. Dvoran: Control Design of Chemical Technological Processes by Intelligent Methods. Editor(s): Markoš, J., In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, pp. 88–95, 2010.
  9. L. Blahová – J. Dvoran: Control Design of Chemical Technological Processes by Neuro-fuzzy Methods. In Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2010, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, pp. C014a-1–C014a-8, 2010.
  10. L. Blahová – J. Dvoran: Neuro-Fuzzy Control of Chemical Reactor with Disturbances. Editor(s): N. Mastorakis, V. Mladenov, Z. Bojkovic, V. Vasek, In Latest Trends on Systems, WSEAS Press, Corfu Island, Greece, no. I, vol. 14, pp. 336–340, 2010.
  11. Ľ. ČirkaM. KalúzM. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Virtual Laboratory. In Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2010, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, pp. C029a - 1–C029a - 8, 2010.
  12. M. Fikar: Optimal operation of dynamic processes. Editor(s): Markoš, J., In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, pp. 3–15, 2010.
  13. M. Jasem: Relatively Uniform Convergence in Riesz Groups. Editor(s): M. Kováčová, In Aplimat 2010, STU, vol. 9, pp. 57–61, 2010.
  14. M. Jasem: Weak relatively uniform convergence in Riesz groups. In Contributions to General Algebra 19, Verlag Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, pp. 127–138, 2010.
  15. M. Kvasnica – F. J. Christophersen – M. Herceg – M. Fikar: Polynomial Approximation of Closed-Form MPC for Piecewise Affine Systems, In Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(s): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, vol. 6, pp. 105–112, 2010.
  16. M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Performance-Lossless Complexity Reduction in Explicit MPC. 2010.
  17. M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Advances in Real-Time Model Predictive Control. In Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2010, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, pp. C012a-1–C012a-19, 2010.
  18. M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Design and Implementation of Model Predictive Control using Multi-Parametric Toolbox and YALMIP. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 999–1004, 2010.
  19. M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Performance-Lossless Complexity Reduction in Explicit MPC. In Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2010, pp. 5270–5275, 2010.
  20. M. Kvasnica – M. Herceg – Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Model predictive control of a CSTR: A hybrid modeling approach. Chemical papers, no. 3, vol. 64, pp. 301–309, 2010.
  21. M. Kvasnica – J. Löfberg – M. Herceg – Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Low-Complexity Polynomial Approximation of Explicit MPC via Linear Programming. In Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Baltimore, USA, pp. 4713–4718, 2010.
  22. M. Kvasnica – I. Rauová – M. Fikar: Real-time Implementation of MPC on Low-cost Hardware. In Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2010, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, pp. C116a-1–C116a-11, 2010.
  23. M. Kvasnica – I. Rauová – M. Fikar: Automatic Code Generation for Real-Time Implementation of Model Predictive Control. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 993–998, 2010.
  24. M. Kvasnica – A. Szűcs – M. Fikar: Optimization-Based Automatic Derivation of Hybrid Models. 2010.
  25. M. Kvasnica – A. Szűcs – M. Fikar: Optimization-Based Automatic Derivation of Hybrid Approximations. In VOCAL 2010, Program and Abstracts, pp. 55–55, 2010.
  26. R. Matušů – R. Prokop – K. Matejičková – M. Bakošová: Application of Kronecker Summation Method in Computation of Robustly Stabilizing PI Controllers for Interval Plants. Editor(s): N. Mastorakis, V. Mladenov, Z. Bojkovic, V. Vasek, In Latest Trends on Systems, WSEAS Press, Corfu Island, Greece, no. I, vol. 14, pp. 261–267, 2010.
  27. R. Matušů – R. Prokop – K. Matejičková – M. Bakošová: Robust Stabilization of Interval Plants using Kronecker Summation Method. WSEAS Transcations on Systems, no. 9, vol. 9, pp. 917–926, 2010.
  28. R. Matušů – K. Vaneková – R. Prokop – M. Bakošová: Design of robust PI controllers and their application to a nonlinear electronic system. Journal of Electrical Engineering, no. 1, vol. 61, pp. 44–51, 2010.
  29. J. MiklešĽ. Čirka: Transfer Matrix Solution of the Standard H2 Problem, In Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(s): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, vol. 6, pp. 58–62, 2010.
  30. R. PaulenM. Fikar – G. Foley – Z. Kovacs – P. Czermak: Time-Optimal Diafiltration Process: Dynamic Optimization Approach. In VOCAL 2010, Program and Abstracts, pp. 91–92, 2010.
  31. R. PaulenM. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Dynamic Optimization of a Hybrid System: Emulsion Polymerization Reaction. Editor(s): Kozák, Š., Kozáková, A., Rosinová, D., In Medzinárodná konferencia Kybernetika a Informatika, Vydavateľstvo STU, Vazovova 5, 812 43 Bratislava, 2010.
  32. R. PaulenM. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Dynamic Optimization of a Hybrid System: Emulsion Polymerization Reaction. Journal of Cybernetics and Informatics, vol. 10, pp. 31–40, 2010.
  33. R. PaulenM. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Dynamic Optimization of Emulsion Polymerization Process. In Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2010, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, pp. C023a-1–C023a-11, 2010.
  34. R. PaulenM. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Dynamic Optimization of a Polymerization Reactor. In 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Marrakech, Morocco, pp. 733–738, 2010.
  35. R. Paulen – Z. Kovacs – M. Fikar – P. Czermak: Dynamic Optimization of Batch Membrane Filtration Processes. In Permea 2010 - Proceedings of the 5th Membrane Science and Technology Conference of the Visegad Countries with Wider International Participation, pp. 67–67, 2010.
  36. M. Podmajerský – B. Chachuat – M. Fikar: Integrated Two-Time-Scale Scheme for Dynamic Real-Time Optimisation. In Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2010, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, pp. C088a-1–C088a-14, 2010.
  37. M. Podmajerský – B. Chachuat – M. Fikar: Dynamic Optimisation of Batch Processes by Integrated Two-Time-Scale Scheme. Acta Chimica Slovaca, no. 2, vol. 3, pp. 38–56, 2010.
  38. K. Vaneková – M. Bakošová – R. Matušů – R. Prokop – J. Závacká: Robust PI controller design for a laboratory time delay process. In 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Marrakech, Morocco, pp. 1000–1006, 2010.
  39. K. Vaneková – M. Bakošová – R. Matušů – J. Závacká: Robust PI Control of a Laboratory Time-delay Process, In Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(s): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, vol. 6, pp. 31–36, 2010.
  40. K. Vaneková – M. Bakošová – J. Závacká: Robust PI Controllers for Systems with Transport Delay. Editor(s): Kozák, Š., Kozáková, A., Rosinová, D., In Medzinárodná konferencia Kybernetika a Informatika, Vydavateľstvo STU, Vazovova 5, 812 43 Bratislava, 2010.
  41. K. Vaneková – M. Bakošová – J. Závacká: Robust PI Controller design. Editor(s): Markoš, J., In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, 2010.
  42. K. Vaneková – M. Bakošová – J. Závacká: Robust PI Controller Design for a Laboratory Process. In Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2010, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, pp. C054a–1–C054a–9, 2010.
  43. A. Vasičkaninová – M. Bakošová: Neural network predictive control of a distillation column. Editor(s): Markoš, J., In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, pp. 683–692, 2010.
  44. A. Vasičkaninová – M. Bakošová: Locally Optimal fuzzy Control of a Heat Exchanger. Editor(s): N. Mastorakis, V. Mladenov, Z. Bojkovic, V. Vasek, In Latest Trends on Systems, WSEAS Press, Corfu Island, Greece, no. II, vol. 14, pp. 670–675, 2010.
  45. A. Vasičkaninová – M. Bakošová: Predictive Control of a Chemical Reactor, In Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(s): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, vol. 6, pp. 98–104, 2010.
  46. A. Vasičkaninová – M. Bakošová: Locally Optimal Fuzzy Control of a Heat Exchanger. WSEAS Transcations on Systems, no. 9, vol. 9, pp. 999–1008, 2010.
  47. A. Vasičkaninová – M. Bakošová – M. Karšaiová: Fuzzy Internal Model Control of the Chemical Reactor. In Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2010, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, pp. C118a-1–C118a-13, 2010.
  48. A. Vasičkaninová – M. Bakošová – A. Mészáros – J. Klemeš: Neural network predictive control of a heat exchanger. Chemical Engineering Transactions, vol. 21, pp. 73–78, 2010.
  49. J. Závacká – M. Bakošová – K. Vaneková: Design of Robust PI Controllers for Exothermic Chemical Reactor. In Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2010, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, pp. C017a-1–C017a-10, 2010.
  50. J. Závacká – M. Bakošová – K. Vaneková: Design of Robust PI Controllers for Control of an Exothermic Chemical Reactor. Editor(s): N. Mastorakis, V. Mladenov, Z. Bojkovic, V. Vasek, In Latest Trends on Systems, WSEAS Press, Corfu Island, Greece, no. II, vol. 14, pp. 387–392, 2010.
  51. J. Závacká – M. Bakošová – K. Vaneková: Robust PI Controller Design for Technological Processes. In 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 7 and 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2010, Orgit s.r.o., Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 0855.pdf, 2010.
  52. J. Závacká – M. Bakošová – K. Vaneková: Robust PI Control of Chemical Reactors. Acta Chimica Slovaca, no. 1, vol. 3, pp. 3–14, 2010.


  1. M. Bakošová – J. Oravec: Software for PID Controller Tuning. Editor(s): Fikar, M., Kvasnica, M., In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Process Control ’09, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, pp. 524–527, 2009.
  2. M. Bakošová – D. Puna – P. Dostál – J. Závacká: Robust stabilization of a chemical reactor. Chemical Papers, no. 5, vol. 63, pp. 527–536, 2009.
  3. M. Bakošová – D. Puna – J. Závacká – K. Vaneková: Robust Static Output Feedback Control of a Mixing Unit. In Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2009, EUCA, Budapest, pp. 4139–4144, 2009.
  4. M. Bakošová – A. Vasičkaninová: Simulation of Robust Stabilization of a Chemical Reactor. Editor(s): Javier Otamendi, Andrzej Bargiela, José Luis Montes , Luis Miguel Doncel Pedrera, In Proceedings 23rd European Conference on Modelling and Simulation ECMS 2009, Digitaldruck Pirrot GmbH 66125 Sbr.-Dudweiler, Germany, Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain, vol. 23, pp. 570–576, 2009.
  5. L. Blahová – J. Dvoran: Neuro-fuzzy control of chemical technological processes (in Slovak). In Automatizácia a riadenie v teórii a praxi, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Stará Lesná, SR, pp. 04Blahova_Dvoran.pdf, 2009.
  6. L. Blahová – J. Dvoran: Neural-Fuzzy Control of Chemical Technological Processes. Editor(s): Fikar, M., Kvasnica, M., In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Process Control ’09, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, pp. 268–272, 2009.
  7. L. Blahová – J. Dvoran: Intelligent Control of Chemical-Technological Processes. Editor(s): J. Markoš, In 36th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, pp. 146-1–146-8, 2009.
  8. L. Blahová – J. Dvoran: Neuro-fuzzy Control of a Chemical Reactor (in Slovak). Transfer inovácií, no. 14, pp. 55–60, 2009.
  9. L. Blahová – J. Dvoran: Intelligent control of chemical reactor with disturbances (in Slovak). Editor(s): prof. Ing. Bohumil Šulc, CSc., In Sborník přednášek z technické konference ARaP 2009, DIMART s.r.o., Praha, vol. 5, pp. 87–92, 2009.
  10. M. Čižniar – M. Podmajerský – T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Global optimization for parameter estimation of differential-algebraic systems. Chemical Papers, no. 3, vol. 63, pp. 274–283, 2009.
  11. M. FikarĽ. Čirka: E-learning Course on System Identification (in Slovak). Transfer inovácií, no. 14, pp. 9–12, 2009.
  12. M. Herceg – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Parametric Approach to Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, In Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Editor(s): Magni, L. and Raimondo, D. M. and Allgoewer, F., Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 381–389, 2009.
  13. M. Herceg – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Minimum-time predictive control of a servo engine with deadzone. Control Engineering Practice, no. 60, pp. 1349–1357, 2009.
  14. M. Herceg – M. KvasnicaM. FikarĽ. Čirka: Real-Time Control of a Thermo-Optical Device Using Polynomial Approximation of MPC Scheme. Editor(s): Fikar, M., Kvasnica, M., In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Process Control ’09, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, pp. 332–340, 2009.
  15. M. Herceg – M. KvasnicaM. FikarĽ. Čirka: Real-time Control of a Thermo-Optical Device Using Polynomial Approximation of MPC Scheme. AT&P Journal Plus, no. 2, pp. 36–42, 2009.
  16. M. Kvasnica: Real-Time Model Predictive Control via Multi-Parametric Programming: Theory and Tools, VDM Verlag, Saarbruecken, 2009.
  17. M. Kvasnica – M. Herceg – Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Time-Optimal Control of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems. In Proceedings of the 10th European Control Conference, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 916–921, 2009.
  18. M. Kvasnica – M. Herceg – Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Robust Adaptive Minimum-Time Control of Piecewise Affine Systems. In Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2454–2459, 2009.
  19. A. MészárosĽ. Čirka: Control Analysis for Processes with Internal Recycle. Chemical Engineering Transactions, no. 18, pp. 731–736, 2009.
  20. R. PaulenM. Fikar – M. Čižniar – M. A. Latifi: Global Optimization for Parameter Estimation of Dynamic Systems. Editor(s): Fikar, M., Kvasnica, M., In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Process Control ’09, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, pp. 86–92, 2009.
  21. R. PaulenM. Fikar – M. Čižniar – M. A. Latifi: Global Optimization for Parameter Estimation of Dynamic Systems. AT&P Journal Plus, no. 2, pp. 71–78, 2009.
  22. M. Podmajerský – M. Fikar: On-Line Neighbouring-Extremal Controller Design for Setpoint-Transition in Presence of Uncertainty. Editor(s): Fikar, M., Kvasnica, M., In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Process Control ’09, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, pp. 107–113, 2009.
  23. M. Podmajerský – M. Fikar: On-Line Neighbouring-Extremal Controller Design for Setpoint-Transition in Presence of Uncertainty. AT&P Journal Plus, no. 2, pp. 77–83, 2009.
  24. D. Puna: Robust control of chemical reactors (in Slovak). ÚIAM FCHPT STU v Bratislave, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, 2009.
  25. I. Rauová – M. KvasnicaĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Real-Time Model Predictive Control of a Laboratory Liquid Tanks System. Editor(s): Fikar, M., Kvasnica, M., In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Process Control ’09, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, pp. 304–308, 2009.
  26. K. Vaneková – M. Bakošová – R. Matušů – J. Závacká: Robust Control of a Laboratory Process. Editor(s): Fikar, M., Kvasnica, M., In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Process Control ’09, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, pp. 613–618, 2009.
  27. K. Vaneková – M. Bakošová – R. Matušů – J. Závacká: Robust control of a laboratory process. AT&P Journal Plus, no. 2, pp. 98–103, 2009.
  28. K. Vaneková – M. Bakošová – J. Závacká: Robust Control of a Laboratory Time Delay Process. Editor(s): J. Markoš, In 36th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, pp. 117–1–117–9, 2009.
  29. A. Vasičkaninová – M. Bakošová: Neural Network Predictive Control of a Chemical Reactor. Editor(s): Fikar, M., Kvasnica, M., In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Process Control ’09, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, pp. 426–431, 2009.
  30. A. Vasičkaninová – M. Bakošová: Neural Network Predictive Control of a Chemical Reactor. Editor(s): Javier Otamendi, Andrzej Bargiela, José Luis Montes , Luis Miguel Doncel Pedrera, In Proceedings 23rd European Conference on Modelling and Simulation ECMS 2009, Digitaldruck Pirrot GmbH 66125 Sbr.-Dudweiler, Germany, Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain, vol. 23, pp. 563–569, 2009.
  31. A. Vasičkaninová – M. Bakošová: Neural Network Predictive Control of a Chemical Reactor. Acta Chimica Slovaca, no. 2, vol. 2, pp. 21–36, 2009.
  32. J. Vöröš – J. MiklešĽ. Čirka: A Comparision of Different EKF Approaches for Parameters Estimation. Editor(s): Fikar, M., Kvasnica, M., In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Process Control ’09, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, pp. 213–218, 2009.
  33. J. Vöröš – J. MiklešĽ. Čirka: A Comparision of Different EKF Approaches for Parameters Estimation. AT&P Journal Plus, no. 2, pp. 31–35, 2009.
  34. J. Závacká – M. Bakošová – R. Matušů – K. Vaneková: Robust control of a mixing unit. Transfer inovácií, no. 14, pp. 65–70, 2009.
  35. J. Závacká – M. Bakošová – K. Vaneková: Control of laboratory chemical reactor with robust PI controller. Editor(s): J. Markoš, In 36th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, pp. 121p-1–121p-7, 2009.
  36. J. Závacká – M. Bakošová – K. Vaneková: Control of a Laboratory Chemical Reactor Using Robust PI Controller. Editor(s): Fikar, M., Kvasnica, M., In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Process Control ’09, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, pp. 363–367, 2009.
  37. J. Závacká – M. Bakošová – K. Vaneková: Control of a laboratory chemical reactor using robust PI controller (in Slovak). Automatizace, no. 6, vol. 52, pp. 362–365, 2009.
  38. J. Závacká – M. Bakošová – K. Vaneková: Control of laboratory chemical reactor using robust PI controller. AT&P Journal Plus, no. 2, pp. 84–88, 2009.



  1. Monika Bakošová
  2. Lenka Blahová
  3. Štefan Boor
  4. Ľuboš Čirka
  5. Miroslav Fikar
  6. Martin Herceg
  7. Tomáš Hirmajer
  8. Milan Jasem
  9. Mária Karšaiová
  10. Michal Kvasnica
  11. Katarína Matejičková
  12. Alajos Mészáros
  13. Ján Mikleš
  14. Radoslav Paulen
  15. Marián Podmajerský
  16. Anna Vasičkaninová
  17. Juraj Vöröš
  18. Jana Závacká


  1. Monika Bakošová
  2. Lenka Blahová
  3. Štefan Boor
  4. Ľuboš Čirka
  5. Miroslav Fikar
  6. Milan Jasem
  7. Michal Kačúr
  8. Martin Kalúz
  9. Jana Kmeťová
  10. Michal Kvasnica
  11. Alajos Mészáros
  12. Ján Mikleš
  13. Juraj Oravec
  14. Radoslav Paulen
  15. Michal Paulovič
  16. Marián Podmajerský
  17. Ivana Rauová
  18. Alexander Szűcs
  19. Richard Valo
  20. Anna Vasičkaninová
  21. Jana Závacká


  1. Monika Bakošová
  2. Lenka Blahová
  3. Štefan Boor
  4. Ľuboš Čirka
  5. Miroslav Fikar
  6. Milan Jasem
  7. Michal Kačúr
  8. Martin Kalúz
  9. Jana Kmeťová
  10. Michal Kvasnica
  11. Alajos Mészáros
  12. Ján Mikleš
  13. Juraj Oravec
  14. Radoslav Paulen
  15. Michal Paulovič
  16. Marián Podmajerský
  17. Ivana Rauová
  18. Alexander Szűcs
  19. Richard Valo
  20. Anna Vasičkaninová
  21. Jana Závacká
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