The main project aim is design of optimal operation of selected processes in chemical and food technologies. It will primarily focus on two process types: membrane filtration processes and polymerisation reactors. For membrane processes, we will concentrate on fouling effects and on embedded membrane processes as a part of the overall technology. For polymerisation reactors, we will study hybrid behaviour corresponding to different stages during polymer production and we will propose effective control structures.
Theoretic results will be sought in study of global deterministic methods that are able to find not only a local solution but converge to a neighbourhood of the global solution in a finite time. The aim is to design such methods and algorithms that will be usable for optimisation of more detailed process models and for estimation of their parameters.
The obtained results will be implemented in open source software packages and available in Internet. The aim is a broader dissemination of results in optimal control and optimal parameter estimation in process technologies.
optimal control, process control, optimisation
The project focuses research and development in modern methods of optimal control and optimisation targeted in processes typical in chemical and food technologies as chemical reactors, membrane systems and others. The project core is devoted to development and application of dynamic and global optimisation of hybrid systems and to computational effectiveness and usability in industry. The developed control algorithms, controllers, and control structures will be tested in simulations and in laboratory conditions.