Dňa 19.2.2010 o 11:00h sa v m.č. 641 na OIRP ÚIAM FCHPT STU v Bratislave uskutoční odborný seminár na tému Samooptimalizujúce sa riadenie s obmedzeniami. Prednášajúci je Henrik Manum z Univerzity v Trondheime v Nórsku.

Dňa 19.2.2010 o 11:00h sa v m.č. 641 na OIRP ÚIAM FCHPT STU v Bratislave uskutoční odborný seminár na tému Samooptimalizujúce sa riadenie s obmedzeniami. Prednášajúci je Henrik Manum z Univerzity v Trondheime v Nórsku.

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Self-optimizing control is achieved when a simple implementation (feedback solutions based on off-line calculations) yields an acceptably low loss from optimality. One such strategy is a constant setpoint policy for the controlled variables, for which several methods of finding good controlled variables already exist. In this work we extend one such method, the nullspace method, to include changes is the optimal active set. As a result, we allow the controlled variables to change as a function of operating conditions, giving improved economic performance of the control system.

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