V stredu 10.12.2014 sa o 15:00 v miestnosti 641 uskutoční odborný seminár, na ktorom Ngoc Anh z parížskej univerzity SUPELEC na tému "Inverse parametric linear/quadratic programming problems via convex liftings".

Speaker: Ngoc Anh, SUPELEC Paris


Title: Inverse parametric linear/quadratic programming problems via convex liftings


Abstract: Recently, increasing attention has been focused on solving inverse parametric linear/quadratic programming problems due to its relevance in control design. Convex liftings turn out to be a useful approach for this problem. The present talk shows how helpful this approach is in solving this inverse optimality problem. In regard to applications in linear MPC (model predictive control) design, we prove that any continuous PWA (piecewise affine) control law can be obtained via another MPC problem, with the prediction horizon at most equal to 2 steps. Some illustrative examples are considered. Finally, open problems are also discussed.

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