This Friday, March 2, 2018 at 9:00am in room no. 641 Dario Corona will deliver a research seminar on Optimality Principles and Decomposition of Tracking Controllers for Underactuated Systems.

Speaker: Dario Corona

Abstract: The main subject of the research project is optimal control for under-actuated systems. When the system is under-actuated, only a subset of the outputs can be arbitrarily controlled, and the remaining ones are constrained. With a specific focus on the asymptotic output tracking problem, we investigate the connection between the overall optimal input for a given cost function and the individually optimal controllers that lead to a perfect tracking of each full controllable square subsystem. Such relationship is theoretically analysed both for open-loop and closed-loop controllers, for different cost functions and types of references. Optimality principles are established as suitable structural conditions on the plant matrices.

Bio: Dario Corona obtained his BA and MA in Mathematics and Applications at University of Camerino, Italy. He is currently in his final year of PhD in Mathematics at University of Camerino, under the supervision of prof. eng. Letizia Corradini and prof. Roberto Giambo. He has worked in different research projects: the development of lower-limb exoskeleton for health care and the implementation of a 3D mounting and maintenance manual for electric cars. Dario Corona is a co-funder and CEO of Limix srl, a spin-off of the University of Camerino.

Responsibility for content: prof. Ing. Michal Kvasnica, PhD.
Last update: 26.02.2018 6:56
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