Department of Mathematics (DM)
NB 614
+421 259 325 334
Research activities:
fuzzy sets - uncertainty modelling, mathematical analysis, graph theory



  1. M. Šabo: MATHEMATICS I (in Slovak), Nakladateľstvo STU, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, 2014.
  2. M. Šabo: MATHEMATICS I (in Slovak), Nakladateľstvo STU, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, 2009.

Chapter or pages in book

  1. M. Šabo: The History and Properties of Relenvancy Transformation Operators, In ZAMAT 2014, Proceedings of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Editor(s): A. Kolesárová, M. Nehéz, pp. 35–42, 2014.
  2. M. Šabo: Uncertainty, fuzzy sets, applications, problems (in Slovak), In Umelá Inteligencia a Kognitívna Veda III, Editor(s): V.Kvasnička, J.Pospíchal, P.Návrat, P.Lacko,Ľ.Varga, STU, pp. 297–324, 2011.
  3. Š. Varga – M. Šabo: Linear regression with fuzzy variables. The State of the Art in Computational Intelligence, Editor(s): Physica-Verlag, Springer-Verlag Company, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 99–103, 2000.

Article in journal

  1. M. Šabo: Self-reversibility and some other properties of binary operations. Fuzzy sets and systems, no. 1, vol. 167, pp. 21–29, 2011.
  2. M. Šabo: On some properties of fuzzy controllers. Journal of Applied Mathematics, no. 1, vol. 2, pp. 117–124, 2009.
  3. M. Šabo – P. Strežo: On Reverses of Some Binary Operations. Kybernetika, no. 4, vol. 41, pp. 437–452, 2005.
  4. P. Sarkoci – M. Šabo: Information Boundedness Principle in Fuzzy Inference Process. Kybernetika, no. 3, vol. 38, pp. 327–338, 2002.
  5. M. Šabo – A. Kolesárová – Š. Varga: RET operators generated by triangular norms and copulas. Int. J. Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 9, pp. 169–181, 2001.
  6. M. Šabo – Š. Varga: A note on the relevancy transformation operator in fuzzy reasoning. Busefal, vol. 80, pp. 40–45, 1999.
  7. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal – M. Šabo: Grafy, počítače, chémia IV. Matematické obzory, vol. 42, pp. 31–43, 1995.
  8. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal – M. Šabo: Grafy, počítače, chémia III (in Slovak). Matematické obzory, vol. 42, pp. 35–45, 1994.
  9. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal – M. Šabo: Grafy, počítače, chémia II (in Slovak). Matematické obzory, vol. 42, pp. 31–41, 1993.

Article in conference proceedings

  1. M. Šabo: ON RELEVANCY TRANSFORMATION OPERATORS. Editor(s): Dgmar Szarková, Daniela RIchtáriková, Viera Záhonová, In APLIMAT 2013 12-th Conference of applied Mathematics. PROCEEDINGS, Publishing House of STU, vol. 12, 2013.
  2. M. Šabo: Self-reversibility and some other properties of binary operations. Editor(s): E.P.Klement, R. Mesiar, P. Struk, E. Drobná, In Abstracts of the Tenth Internat. Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications FSTA 2010, Armed Forces of General M.R. Štefánik, Lipt. Mikuláš, pp. 120–121, 2010.
  3. M. Šabo: On some properties of fuzzy controllers. Editor(s): M. Kováčová, In Proceedings of 8 th International Conferernce APLIMAT 2009, FX Bratislava, pp. 399–406, 2009.
  4. M. Šabo – Š. Boor: Commutativity, shift stability and self-reversibility of binary operations. Editor(s): M. Gonzáles, G. Mayor, J Suner, J. Torrens, In Proceedings of the Fifth International Summer School on Aggregation Operators, Full papers, Edicions UIB. Cas Jai. Campus Universitari, Palma, Illes Balears, pp. 83–88, 2009.
  5. M. Šabo: Relevancy Transformation Operators and Aggregation Functions in Fuzzy Inference Process. Editor(s): L.Magdalena, M.Ojeda-Aciego, J.L.Verdegay, In Proceedings of 12 th Int. Conference Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, University of Malaga, Spain, pp. 1392–1397, 2008.
  6. M. Šabo: On some properties of fuzzy connectives in fuzzy controllers. In Abstracts of 9th International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications FSTA 2008, Liptovský Ján, Slovak Republic, pp. 114–115, 2008.
  7. M. Šabo: Notes on Reverses of Binary Operations. pp. 433–439, 2007.
  8. M. Šabo: Domination and Information Boundedness Principle for Aggregation. Editor(s): Štěpnička, Novák, Bodenhofer, University of Ostrava, vol. 1, pp. 41–45, 2007.
  9. M. Šabo: Information boundedness principles in fuzzy control processes. Editor(s): M. Fikar, A. Kolesárová, M. Bakošová, Slovak University of Technology Press, Bratislava, pp. 16–20, 2007.
  10. M. Šabo – P. Sarkoci: On Some Functional Equations in Theory of Self-reversible Binary Operations. Editor(s): Erich Peter Klement, Radko Mesiar, Eva Drobna, Ferdinand Chovanec, pp. 97–98, 2006.
  11. M. Šabo – P. Sarkoci: Self-reversible Binary Operations and Their Constructions. Éditions EDK, Paris, Les Cordeliers, vol. 1, pp. 617–621, 2006.
  12. M. Šabo: Reverses of binary operations and selfreversibility. Editor(s): R. Mesiar, G. Pasi, M. Faré, P. Struk, pp. 109–112, 2005.
  13. M. Šabo: On some properties of reverses of binary operations. pp. 375–379, 2005.
  14. M. Šabo: The history and new results in fuzzy preference structures. pp. 531–537, 2005.
  15. M. Šabo: Reverzie bunárnych operácií a fuzzy preferenčné štruktúry (in Danish). Editor(s): M.Šabo, P. Sarkoci, )S. Boor, E. Drobná, pp. 21–29, 2004.
  16. M. Šabo – P. Strežo: On some constructions of fuzzy preference structures. Editor(s): E.P.Klement, R. Mesiar, E. Drobná, F. Chovanec, pp. 96, 2004.
  17. M. Šabo: The Role and Properties of Rule Relevancy in Fuzzy Inference Process. Zittau, pp. 259–262, 2003.
  18. M. Šabo: The Role of T-reversible T-norms in Fuzy Preference Structures. pp. 659–664, 2003.
  19. M. Šabo – P. Sarkoci: The History and Role of Relevancy Transformation Operators. Editor(s): Radko Mesiar, Peter Struk, Publishing House of STU, 2003, pp. 3–5, 2003.
  20. M. Šabo: Requirements on Many Valued Connectives. pp. 387–389, 2002.
  21. M. Šabo: Fuzzy Modeling Inference Process. pp. 42–50, 2002.
  22. M. Šabo: On Some Properties of Binary Operations Usedin Fuzy Modeling Inference Process. Editor(s): E.P.Klement,R. Mesiar, . Drobná, F. Chovanec, Vydavateštvo VA L. Mikuláš, pp. 121–123, 2002.
  23. M. Šabo – P. Sarkoci: Relevancy Transformation Operators and Information Boundedness Principle. Prague, pp. 23–23, 2002.
  24. M. Šabo: O niektorých spojkách vo viachodnotovej logike (in Czech). pp. 139–140, 2001.
  25. M. Šabo: Function with Moderate Growth. pp. 31–34, 2001.
  26. P. Sarkoci – M. Šabo: Information Boundedness Principle and Relevancy Transformation Operators. Editor(s): Magda Komornikova, Radko Mesiar, pp. 111–121, 2001.
  27. M. Šabo – Š. Varga: T – Norms in fuzzy regression models II. Dependence fuzzy regression on choice T – norm. pp. 115–117, 2000.
  28. Š. Varga – M. Šabo: T – Norms in fuzzy regression models I. Estimations in fuzzy regression models.. pp. 133–136, 2000.
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