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Článok v časopise

  1. Š. Babinec – J. Pospíchal: Modular Echo State Neural Networks in Time Series Prediction. Computing and Informatics, č. 2, zv. 30, str. 321–334, 2011.
  2. Š. Babinec – J. Pospíchal: Gating Echo State Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting. Lectue Notes in Computer Science, č. 5506, str. 200–207, 2009.
  3. Š. Babinec – J. Pospíchal: Combination of Dynamic Reservoir and Feedforward Neural Network for Time Series Forecasting. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, č. 5507, str. 284–291, 2009.
  4. Š. Babinec – J. Pospíchal: Optimization of Echo State Neural Networks for Electrical Load Forecasting. Neural Network World, č. 7, zv. 2, str. 133–152, 2007.
  5. Š. Babinec – J. Pospíchal: Improving the Prediction Accuracy of Echo State Neural Networks by Anti-Oja's Learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, č. 4668, str. 19–28, 2007.
  6. Š. Babinec – J. Pospíchal: Merging Echo State and Feedforward Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, č. 4131, str. 367–375, 2006.
  7. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal – M. Šabo: Grafy, počítače, chémia IV. Matematické obzory, zv. 42, str. 31–43, 1995.
  8. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal – M. Šabo: Grafy, počítače, chémia III. Matematické obzory, zv. 42, str. 35–45, 1994.
  9. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal – M. Šabo: Grafy, počítače, chémia II. Matematické obzory, zv. 42, str. 31–41, 1993.
  10. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal: Two metrics in a Graph Theory Modeling of Organic Chemistry. Discrete Applied Mathematics, zv. 35, str. 1–19, 1992.
  11. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal – M. Šabo: Grafy, počítače, chémia I. Matematické obzory, zv. 39, str. 9–18, 1992.
  12. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal: Grafy v chémii. Acta Math. Univ. Comenian, zv. 44/45, str. 14–20, 1991.
  13. V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal – V. Baláž: Reaction and chemical distances and reaction graphs. Theor. Chim. Acta, zv. 79, str. 65–79, 1991.
  14. V. Baláž – V. Kvasnička – J. Pospíchal: Dual approach to edge distance between graphs. Časopis pro pěstování matematiky, č. 2, zv. 114, str. 155–159, 1989.

Príspevok na konferencii

  1. Š. Babinec – J. Pospíchal: Using Combination of FIR Neural Networks in Time Series Prediction. V Proceedings of Mendel 2010, 16th International Conference on Soft Computing, str. 286–292, 2010.
  2. Š. Babinec – J. Pospíchal: Echo State and FIR neural networks: Comparison of predictive abilities. V Proceedings of Mendel 2009, 15th International Conference on Soft Computing, str. 160–165, 2009.
  3. Š. Babinec – J. Pospíchal: Alternative approaches in Echo State neural networks training. V Proceedings of Mendel 2008, 14th International Conference on Soft Computing, Brno, Czech Republic, str. 137–142, 2008.
  4. Š. Babinec – J. Pospíchal: Gating Echo State Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting. V Proceedings of the 15th International Conference, ICONIP 2008, str. 347–348, 2008.
  5. Š. Babinec – J. Pospíchal: Optimalizácia Echo State neurónových sietí pomocou Hebbovho učenia a genetického algoritmu. V Kognice a umělý život V, Slezská Univerzita, Opava, str. 47–62, 2005.
  6. Š. Babinec – J. Pospíchal: Two approaches to optimize echo state. V Proceedings of Mendel 2005, 11th International Conference on Soft Computing, str. 39–44, 2005.
  7. Š. Babinec – J. Pospíchal: Time Series Prediction by Echo State Neural Networks with Combined Evolutionary Optimisation. V Proceedings of Slovak-Japanese Seminar on Intelligent Systems, Herlany, Slovak Republic, 2005.
  8. Š. Babinec – J. Pospíchal: Optimalizácia Metropolisovym algoritmom v Echo state neurónových sieťach. V Kognice a umělý život IV, Slezská Univerzita, Opava, str. 35–44, 2004.
  9. Š. Babinec – J. Pospíchal: Optimization in Echo state neural networks by Metropolis algorithm. V Proceedings of Mendel 2004, 10th International Conference on Soft Computing, str. 155–160, 2004.
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