CESOPD (Conference Electronic Submission and Online Person Database)
CIS 2.0 (Conference Information Systems)

CESOPD (based on CIS), it is an Internet based application for management of SSCHE conference series with following features:

Other features:

Department of Information Engineering and Process Control, FCFT STU can offer similar services to other organisations by either providing the space and conference management directly at its web servers or by implementing all necessary components at the customers place. All parts of the software are based on free solutions and can be ported to a variety of platforms.


Process Control

International Conference on Process Control [2003 - 2017]


International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering [2004 - 2017]

Slovak Chemical Society

59th Meeting of Chemists [2007]

AI 2004

Medzinárodná konferencia katedier automatizácie a kybernetiky technických vysokých škôl a univerzít v Slovenskej a Českej republike "Automatizácia a informatizácia strojov a procesov" [2004]

ProtStab '04

6th International Conference on Protein Stabilization [2004]

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