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  1. M. FikarM. KlaučoR. Paulen: Theory of Automatic Control I. Practice Examples, FCHPT STU v Bratislave, 2022.
  2. J. MiklešĽ. ČirkaJ. OravecM. Fikar: Návrh H2 a Hinf riadenia s využitím Ljapunovových funkcií, FCHPT STU v Bratislave, 2022.
  3. R. PaulenM. Fikar: Optimal Operation of Batch Membrane Processes, Springer, 2016.
  4. M. Fikar – Ľ. Malíková – K. Staroňová – Ľ. Vávrová – E. Beblavá – Ľ. Čirka – Z. Bajúszová – P. Halák – Z. Hanout: Výskum potrieb a možností online vzdelávania verejnej správy v stredoeurópskom kontexte a príručka pre lektorov Moodle 2, FSEV UK v Bratislave, 2012.
  5. M. Fikar: Moodle 2: príručka učiteľa, FCHPT STU v Bratislave, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, 2011.
  6. M. Huba – S. Skogestad – M. Fikar – M. Hovd – T. A. Johansen – B. Rohaľ-Ilkiv: Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Textbook, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, 2011.
  7. M. Huba – S. Skogestad – M. Fikar – M. Hovd – T. A. Johansen – B. Rohaľ-Ilkiv: Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Workbook, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, 2011.
  8. M. Huba – S. Skogestad – M. Fikar – M. Hovd – T. A. Johansen – B. Rohaľ-Ilkiv: Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Preprints, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, 2011.
  9. M. Bakošová – M. Fikar: Riadenie procesov, Vydavateľstvo STU, Bratislava, 2008.
  10. M. Fikar: Dynamická optimalizácia procesov, STU v Bratislave a Slovenská e-akadémia, n. o., 2007.
  11. M. Huba – P. Bisták – M. Fikar: Systémy na riadenie výučby (LMS), Slovenská e-akadémia, n.o., 2007.
  12. M. Huba – P. Bisták – M. Fikar: Autori e-vzdelávania, Slovenská e-akadémia, n.o., 2007.
  13. J. MiklešM. Fikar: Process Modelling, Identification, and Control, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.
  14. P. Švec – M. Fikar – J. Dzivák – L. Vozár: Základy práce v operačnom systéme Solaris, Michal Vaško, Prešov, 2005.
  15. J. MiklešM. Fikar: Modelovanie, identifikácia a riadenie procesov 2, STU Press, Bratislava, 2004.
  16. J. MiklešM. Fikar: Process Modelling, Identification, and Control 2, STU Press, Bratislava, 2004.
  17. M. Bakošová – M. FikarĽ. Čirka: Základy automatizácie. Laboratórne cvičenia zo základov automatizácie, Vydavateľstvo STU, Bratislava, 2003.
  18. J. MiklešM. Fikar: Process Modelling, Identification, and Control 1. Models and dynamic characteristics of continuous processes, STU v Bratislave, 2000.
  19. M. Fikar – M. Bakošová – M. Karšaiová – J. Maťko – A. Vasičkaninová – D. Lázničková: Metódy počítačového spracovania dát, Slovenská technická univerzita, zv. 1999, 1999.
  20. M. FikarJ. Mikleš: Identifikácia systémov, STU Press, Bratislava, 1999.
  21. J. MiklešM. Fikar: Modelovanie, identifikácia a riadenie procesov 1. Modely a dynamické charakteristiky spojitých procesov., STU v Bratislave, 1999.

Kapitola alebo strany v knihe

  1. S. Blažek – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Java-based Platform for Testing and Validation of Explicit Model Predictive Control, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, č. 8, str. 110–114, 2012.
  2. M. Jelemenský – L. Petáková – R. PaulenM. Fikar: Dynamic optimization of emulsion polymerization reactor, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, č. 8, str. 1–6, 2012.
  3. M. KvasnicaM. FikarĽ. Čirka – M. Herceg: Complexity Reduction in Explicit Model Predictive Control, V Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Textbook, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, str. 241–288, 2011.
  4. M. Kvasnica – I. Rauová – Š. Gyurki – M. Fikar: Least Invasive Stabilizing Correction of Arbitrary Controllers, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): J. Mikleš, V. Veselý, Slovak University of Technology Press Bratislava, č. 7, str. 13–15, 2011.
  5. J. MiklešĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: H2 MIMO Controller with Integral Action, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): J. Mikleš, V. Veselý, Slovak University of Technology Press Bratislava, č. 7, str. 7–12, 2011.
  6. A. Szűcs – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Data Compression Techniques for Complexity Reduction in Explicit MPC, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): J. Mikleš, V. Veselý, Slovak University of Technology Press Bratislava, č. 7, str. 18–23, 2011.
  7. M. Čižniar – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Globally Optimal Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Design, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, zv. 6, str. 81–86, 2010.
  8. M. Herceg – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Parametric Solution to Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, zv. 6, str. 87–92, 2010.
  9. M. Herceg – J. MiklešM. FikarM. KvasnicaĽ. Čirka: Real­-time 2DoF Control of a Quadruple Tank System with Integral Action, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, zv. 6, str. 37–43, 2010.
  10. M. Kvasnica – F. J. Christophersen – M. Herceg – M. Fikar: Polynomial Approximation of Closed-Form MPC for Piecewise Affine Systems, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, zv. 6, str. 105–112, 2010.
  11. M. Podmajerský – M. Fikar: Measurement-­based Run­-to­-run Optimisation of Hybrid Two­-stage Reactor System, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, zv. 6, str. 44–51, 2010.
  12. M. Herceg – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Parametric Approach to Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, V Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Editor(i): Magni, L. and Raimondo, D. M. and Allgoewer, F., Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, str. 381–389, 2009.
  13. Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: A Dynamical System Identification Toolbox, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, zv. 5, str. 58–62, 2007.
  14. Ľ. ČirkaM. FikarJ. Mikleš: Youla–Kučera Parameterisation Approach to LQ Tracking and Disturbance Rejection Problem, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, zv. 5, str. 8–12, 2007.
  15. M. Čižniar – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: A Matlab Package for Dynamic Optimisation of Processes, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, zv. 5, str. 52–57, 2007.
  16. M. Herceg – M. Fikar: Constrained Predictive Control of a Laboratory Servoengine, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, zv. 5, str. 115–120, 2007.
  17. T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar: Open-Loop Optimal Control of a Hybrid System, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): Mikleš, J., Veselý, V., Slovak University of Technology Press, zv. 5, str. 45–51, 2007.
  18. M. Fikar: Decoupling Control. Part 6.43: Control Systems, Robotics and Automation, V Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Editor(i): H. Unbehauen, EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK, 2004.
  19. M. Fikar – B. Chachuat – M. A. Latifi: Dynamic Optimisation of the Aeration in a Small-Size Alternating Activated Sludge Processes, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): J. Mikleš, V. Veselý, Vydavateľstvo STU, Bratislava, zv. 4, str. 136–141, 2004.
  20. M. Fikar – H. Unbehauen – J. Mikleš: Design of a predictive controller based on pole-placement, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): J. Mikleš, V. Veselý, Vydavateľstvo STU, Bratislava, zv. 4, str. 131–135, 2004.
  21. J. MiklešĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Self-tuning LQ control of a chemical reactor, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): J. Mikleš, V. Veselý, Vydavateľstvo STU, Bratislava, zv. 4, str. 125–130, 2004.
  22. Ľ. ČirkaM. FikarJ. Mikleš: A deterministic LQ tracking problem: Parameterization of the controller and the plant, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): J. Mikleš, V. Veselý, Vydavateľstvo STU, Bratislava, zv. 3, str. 38–44, 2002.
  23. Ľ. ČirkaJ. MiklešM. Fikar: A deterministic LQ tracking problem: Parameterization of the controller, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): J. Mikleš, V. Veselý, Vydavateľstvo STU, Bratislava, zv. 3, str. 33–37, 2002.
  24. U. Halldorsson – M. Fikar – H. Unbehauen: Multirate approach to nonlinear predictive control, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): J. Mikleš, V. Veselý, Vydavateľstvo STU, Bratislava, zv. 3, str. 22–25, 2002.
  25. M. KvasnicaM. FikarJ. Mikleš: Solving LMI problems using LMI control toolbox, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): J. Mikleš, V. Veselý, Vydavateľstvo STU, Bratislava, zv. 3, str. 16–21, 2002.
  26. M. KvasnicaM. FikarJ. Mikleš: Robust control of a CSTR via static output feedback: An LMI approach, V Selected Topics in Modelling and Control, Editor(i): J. Mikleš, V. Veselý, Vydavateľstvo STU, Bratislava, zv. 3, str. 11–15, 2002.

Článok v časopise

  1. A. Ahmad – R. Paulen – R. Valo – M. Fikar – S. Engell: Iterative real-time optimization of a membrane pilot plant. Control Engineering Practice, zv. 147, str. 105907, 2024.   Zenodo
  2. M. Furka – M. KalúzM. FikarM. Klaučo: Guidelines for Secure Process Control: Harnessing the Power of Homomorphic Encryption and State Feedback Control. IEEE ACCESS, 2023.   Zenodo
  3. M. Mojto – K. Ľubušký – M. FikarR. Paulen: Data-Based Design of Multi-Model Inferential Sensors. Computers & Chemical Engineering, zv. 178, 2023.   arXiv   Zenodo
  4. A. R. Gottu Mukkula – M. Mateáš – M. FikarR. Paulen: Robust multi-stage model-based design of optimal experiments for nonlinear estimation. Computers & Chemical Engineering, zv. 155, str. 107499, 2021.   arXiv
  5. M. Mojto – K. Ľubušký – M. FikarR. Paulen: Data-based design of inferential sensors for petrochemical industry. Computers & Chemical Engineering, zv. 153, str. 107437, 2021.   arXiv
  6. Z. Kovacs – J. Števek – M. Fikar – P. Czermak: Kinetic behavior of soluble Pectinex Ultra SP-L converting sucrose into fructo-oligosaccharides in batch and continuous fashion. Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences, č. 1, zv. 16, str. 81–97, 2020.
  7. R. PaulenM. Fikar: Dynamic real-time optimization of batch processes using Pontryagin’s minimum principle and set-membership adaptation. Computers & Chemical Engineering, zv. 128, str. 488–495, 2019.
  8. R. PaulenM. Fikar: Dual-Control-Based Approach to Batch Process Operation under Uncertainty Based on Optimality-Conditions Parametrization. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, č. 30, zv. 58, str. 13508–13516, 2019.
  9. A. Sharma – R. Valo – M. KalúzR. PaulenM. Fikar: Implementation of optimal strategy to economically improve batch membrane separation. Journal of Process Control, zv. 76, str. 155–164, 2019.
  10. J. HolazaM. Klaučo – J. Drgoňa – J. OravecM. KvasnicaM. Fikar: MPC-Based Reference Governor Control of a Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor. Computers & Chemical Engineering, zv. 165, str. 289–299, 2018.
  11. J. Števek – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar – A. Gomola: A Parametric Programming Approach to Automated Integrated Circuit Design. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, č. 4, zv. 26, str. 1180–1191, 2018.
  12. A. Sharma – M. Jelemenský – R. PaulenM. Fikar: Modeling and optimal operation of batch closed-loop diafiltration processes. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, zv. 122, str. 198–210, 2017.
  13. L. Dubinyová – M. Jablonský – Š. Varga – M. Fikar – S. Katuščák: Cellulose Materials Identification? The Effect of Dimensionality of Colour Photography Data. BioResources, č. 3, zv. 10, str. 71–86, 2016.
  14. M. Jelemenský – D. Pakšiová – R. Paulen – M. A. Latifi – M. Fikar: Combined Estimation and Optimal Control of Batch Membrane Processes. Processes, č. 4, zv. 4, 2016.
  15. M. Jelemenský – A. Sharma – R. PaulenM. Fikar: Time-optimal control of diafiltration processes in the presence of membrane fouling. Computers & Chemical Engineering, zv. 91, str. 343–351, 2016.
  16. M. Honek – M. Kvasnica – A. Szűcs – P. Šimončič – M. Fikar – B. Rohaľ-Ilkiv: A low-complexity explicit MPC controller for AFR control. Control Engineering Practice, č. 60, str. 118–127, 2015.
  17. M. Jelemenský – R. PaulenM. Fikar – Z. Kovacs: Time-Optimal Operation of Multi-Component Batch Diafiltration. Computers & Chemical Engineering, zv. 83, str. 131–138, 2015.
  18. M. Kalúz – J. García-Zubía – M. FikarĽ. Čirka: A Flexible and Configurable Architecture for Automatic Control Remote Laboratories. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, č. 3, zv. 8, str. 299–310, 2015.
  19. R. Paulen – M. Jelemenský – Z. Kovacs – M. Fikar: Economically optimal batch diafiltration via analytical multi-objective optimal control. Journal of Process Control, zv. 28, str. 73–82, 2015.
  20. A. Sharma – M. Fikar – M. Bakošová: Comparative study of Time Optimal Controller with PID Controller for a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor. Acta Chimica Slovaca, č. 1, zv. 8, str. 27–33, 2015.
  21. R. Paulen – B. Benyahia – M. A. Latifi – M. Fikar: Analysis of optimal operation of a fed-batch emulsion copolymerization reactor used for production of particles with core–shell morphology. Computers & Chemical Engineering, zv. 66, str. 233–243, 2014.
  22. M. Kvasnica – J. Hledík – I. Rauová – M. Fikar: Complexity reduction of explicit model predictive control via separation. Automatica, č. 6, zv. 49, str. 1776–1781, 2013.
  23. R. Paulen – M. Jelemenský – M. Fikar – Z. Kovacs: Optimal balancing of temporal and buffer costs for ultrafiltration/diafiltration processes under limiting flux conditions. Journal of Membrane Science, zv. 444, str. 87–95, 2013.
  24. M. Podmajerský – M. Fikar – B. Chachuat: Measurement-based optimization of batch and repetitive processes using an integrated two-layer architecture. Journal of Process Control, č. 7, zv. 23, str. 943–955, 2013.
  25. G. Foley – R. PaulenM. Fikar – Z. Kovacs – P. Czermak: Comments on “Diafiltration under condition of quasi-constant membrane surface concentration” by R. Field [J. Membr. Sci. 383 (1–2) (2011) 301–302]. Journal of Membrane Science, zv. 390-391, str. 285–285, 2012.
  26. M. KalúzĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Virtual and Remote Laboratories in Process of Control Education. International Journal of Online Engineering, č. 1, zv. 8, str. 8–13, 2012.
  27. M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Clipping-Based Complexity Reduction in Explicit MPC. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, č. 7, zv. 57, str. 1878–1883, 2012.
  28. R. PaulenM. Fikar – G. Foley – Z. Kovacs – P. Czermak: Optimal feeding strategy of diafiltration buffer in batch membrane processes. Journal of Membrane Science, zv. 411-412, str. 160–172, 2012.
  29. J. Števek – A. Szűcs – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar – Š. Kozák: Two steps piecewise affine identification of nonlinear systems. Archives of Control Sciences, č. 4, zv. 22, str. 371–388, 2012.
  30. M. KalúzĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Remote Experiment in Control Education. AT&P Journal Plus, č. 2, str. 50–54, 2011.
  31. M. Kvasnica – J. Löfberg – M. Fikar: Stabilizing polynomial approximation of explicit MPC. Automatica, č. 10, zv. 47, str. 2292–2297, 2011.
  32. R. PaulenM. Fikar – Z. Kovacs – P. Czermak: Process optimization of diafiltration with time-dependent water adding for albumin production. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, č. 8, zv. 50, str. 815–821, 2011.
  33. R. Paulen – G. Foley – M. Fikar – Z. Kovacs – P. Czermak: Minimizing the process time for ultrafiltration/diafiltration under gel polarization conditions. Journal of Membrane Science, č. 1-2, zv. 380, str. 148–154, 2011.
  34. I. Rauová – R. Valo – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Real-Time Implementation of Explicit MPC Using PLC. AT&P Journal Plus, č. 2, str. 67–72, 2011.
  35. M. Fikar – Z. Kovacs – P. Czermak: Dynamic Optimization of Batch Diafiltration Processes. Journal of Membrane Science, č. 1-2, zv. 355, str. 168–174, 2010.
  36. M. Kvasnica – M. Herceg – Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Model predictive control of a CSTR: A hybrid modeling approach. Chemical papers, č. 3, zv. 64, str. 301–309, 2010.
  37. R. PaulenM. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Dynamic Optimization of a Hybrid System: Emulsion Polymerization Reaction. Journal of Cybernetics and Informatics, zv. 10, str. 31–40, 2010.
  38. M. Podmajerský – B. Chachuat – M. Fikar: Dynamic Optimisation of Batch Processes by Integrated Two-Time-Scale Scheme. Acta Chimica Slovaca, č. 2, zv. 3, str. 38–56, 2010.
  39. M. Čižniar – M. Podmajerský – T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Global optimization for parameter estimation of differential-algebraic systems. Chemical Papers, č. 3, zv. 63, str. 274–283, 2009.
  40. M. FikarĽ. Čirka: E-Learningový predmet Identifikácia. Transfer inovácií, č. 14, str. 9–12, 2009.
  41. M. Herceg – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Minimum-time predictive control of a servo engine with deadzone. Control Engineering Practice, č. 60, str. 1349–1357, 2009.
  42. M. Herceg – M. KvasnicaM. FikarĽ. Čirka: Real-time Control of a Thermo-Optical Device Using Polynomial Approximation of MPC Scheme. AT&P Journal Plus, č. 2, str. 36–42, 2009.
  43. Z. Kovacs – M. Fikar – P. Czermak: Mathematical modeling of diafiltration. Hungarian Journal of Industrial Chemistry, č. 2, zv. 37, str. 159–164, 2009.
  44. R. PaulenM. Fikar – M. Čižniar – M. A. Latifi: Global Optimization for Parameter Estimation of Dynamic Systems. AT&P Journal Plus, č. 2, str. 71–78, 2009.
  45. M. Podmajerský – M. Fikar: On-Line Neighbouring-Extremal Controller Design for Setpoint-Transition in Presence of Uncertainty. AT&P Journal Plus, č. 2, str. 77–83, 2009.
  46. R. Tiňo – M. Fikar – V. Burčík: Komunikačné nástroje a informačný systém projektu KnihaSK. Knižnica, č. 6-7, zv. 9, str. 16–19, 2008.
  47. Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: A Toolbox for Recursive Identification of Dynamical Systems. AT&P Journal Plus, č. 2, str. 44–47, 2007.
  48. M. Herceg – M. KvasnicaĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Real-Time Predictive Control of a Servo Engine. AT&P Journal Plus, č. 2, str. 124–130, 2007.
  49. M. Herceg – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Stabilizing Predictive Control of Fuzzy Systems Described by Takagi-Sugeno Models. AT&P Journal Plus, č. 2, str. 105–111, 2007.
  50. T. Hirmajer – M. Čižniar – M. Fikar: Application of a dynamic optimization method to solve optimal control problems. AT&P Journal Plus, č. 2, str. 57–62, 2007.
  51. T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar: Dynamic Optimization of a Hybrid Coupled Tanks System. Journal of Electrical Engineering, č. 3, zv. 57, str. 167–172, 2006.
  52. T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar: Optimal Control of a Two-Stage Reactor System. Chemical Papers, č. 5, zv. 60, str. 381–387, 2006.
  53. T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar: Optimálne riadenie sústavy chemických reaktorov. AT&P Journal, č. 11, zv. 13, str. 69–72, 2006.
  54. Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Adaptívne LQ riadenie laboratórneho výmenníka tepla. AT&P Journal, č. 12, zv. 12, str. 73–75, 2005.
  55. M. Fikar – B. Chachuat – M. A. Latifi: Optimal Operation of Alternating Activated Sludge Processes. Control Engineering Practice, č. 7, zv. 13, str. 853–861, 2005.
  56. U. Halldorsson – M. Fikar – H. Unbehauen: Nonlinear predictive control with multirate optimisation step lengths. IEE Proceedings - Control Theory and Applications, č. 3, zv. 152, str. 273–285, 2005.
  57. T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar: Optimálne riadenie systémov s hybridnou dynamikou. AT&P Journal, č. 12, zv. 12, str. 81–84, 2005.
  58. M. Bakošová – M. FikarĽ. Čirka: Nové prístupy k vyučovaniu základov automatizácie a riadenia procesov. AT&P Journal, č. 11, zv. 10, str. 17–19, 2003.
  59. Š. Kožka – J. MiklešM. Fikar: An iterative identification based on the Youla-Kucera parameterisation without model reduction. Archives of Control Sciences, č. 1, zv. 13, str. V.17, 2003.
  60. J. MiklešĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: H2 optimálne riadenie chemického reaktora. AT&P Journal, č. 11, zv. 10, str. 92–94, 2003.
  61. Ľ. ČirkaM. FikarJ. Mikleš: A deterministic LQ tracking problem: Parameterization of the controller and the plant. Journal of Electrical Engineering, č. 5-6, zv. 53, str. 126–131, 2002.
  62. Ľ. ČirkaJ. MiklešM. Fikar: A deterministic LQ tracking problem: Parameterization of the controller. Kybernetika, č. 4, zv. 38, str. 469–478, 2002.
  63. Ľ. ČirkaJ. MiklešM. Fikar – J. Jančich: Využitie YK parametrizácie v adaptívnom LQ riadení laboratórneho chemického reaktora. AT&P Journal, č. 11, zv. 9, str. 82–83, 2002.
  64. M. Fikar: Informačné technológie pre vzdelávanie. AT&P Journal, č. 11, zv. 9, str. 5, 2002.
  65. M. Fikar – H. Unbehauen: Youla-Kučera design of decoupled control systems. International Journal of Control, č. 3, zv. 75, str. 213–218, 2002.
  66. J. MiklešĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Adaptívne LQ riadenie CSTR s využitím YK parametrizácie regulátora a modelu objektu. AT&P Journal, č. 11, zv. 8, str. 57–59, 2001.
  67. A. Rusnák – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi – A. Mészáros: Receding Horizon Iterative Dynamic Programming with Discrete Time Models. Computers & Chemical Engineering, č. 1, zv. 25, str. 161–167, 2001.
  68. M. Fikar – V. Kučera: On minimum finite length control problem. International Journal of Control, č. 2, zv. 73, str. 152–158, 2000.
  69. M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi – J. Corriou – Y. Creff: CVP-Based Optimal Control of an Industrial Depropanizer Column. Computers & Chemical Engineering, zv. 24, str. 909–915, 2000.
  70. M. Fikar – S. Engell – P. Dostál: Design of Predictive LQ Controller. Kybernetika, č. 4, zv. 35, str. 459–472, 1999.
  71. M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi – Y. Creff: Optimal Changeover Profiles for an Industrial Depropanizer. Chemical Engineering Science, č. 13-14, zv. 53, str. 2715–2720, 1999.
  72. A. Mészáros – A. Rusnák – M. Fikar: Adaptive neural PID control case study: Tubular chemical reactor. Computers & Chemical Engineering, č. S, zv. 23, str. S847–S850, 1999.
  73. A. Rusnák – M. FikarA. Mészáros: Receding Horizon Control Using Modified Iterative Dynamic Programming and Neural Network Models. Computers & Chemical Engineering, č. S, zv. 23, str. S297–S300, 1999.
  74. M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi – F. Fournier – Y. Creff: Application of Iterative Dynamic Programming to Optimal Control of a Distillation Column. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, č. 12, zv. 76, str. 110–117, 1998.
  75. M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi – F. Fournier – Y. Creff: CVP versus IDP in Dynamic Optimisation of a Distillation Column. Computers & Chemical Engineering, č. S, zv. 22, str. 625–628, 1998.
  76. F. Fournier – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Control Vector Parametrization in Optimal Control of a Batch Electrochemical Reactor. Chemical & Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, zv. 12, str. 81–85, 1998.
  77. M. Fikar – S. Engell: Receding horizon predictive control based upon Youla-Kucera parametrisation. European Journal of Control, č. 4, zv. 3, str. 304–316, 1997.
  78. K. Najim – A. Rusnák – A. MészárosM. Fikar: Constrained Long-Range Predictive Control Based on Artificial Neural Networks. International Journal of Systems Science, č. 12, zv. 28, str. 1211–1226, 1997.
  79. A. Rusnák – M. Fikar – K. Najim – A. Mészáros: Generalized Predictive Control Based on Neural Networks. Neural Processing Letters, č. 2, zv. 4, str. 107–112, 1996.

Príspevok na konferencii

  1. R. Dyrska – S. Leonow – M. Fikar – M. Mönnigmann: A Feasibility Condition for the Governor-based Tuning of Explicit MPC: Application to a Hydraulic Plant. V 12th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, str. 540–545, 2024.   Zenodo
  2. E. PavlovičováJ. VarganP. BakaráčM. FikarJ. Oravec: Offset-free MPC of Temperature in Smart Greenhouse VESNA. V Preprints of the 8th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, IFAC, str. 314–317, 2024.   Zenodo
  3. P. ValábekM. FikarM. Klaučo: Enhancing Closed-Loop Performance in Manufacturing Processes Using Universal Controller Tuning for Industrial Practice. V 12th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, str. 375–380, 2024.   Zenodo
  4. J. Vargan – J. Puk – K. Ľubušký – M. Fikar: Steady-State Optimality Analysis of MPC Controllers. Editor(i): Flavio Manenti, G.V. Rex Reklaitis, V 34th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering /15th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, zv. 53, 2024.   Zenodo
  5. R. Dyrska – J. Müller – M. Fikar – M. Mönnigmann: Simple Controller Tuning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using Governors. Editor(i): R. Paulen and M. Fikar, V Proceedings of the 2023 24th International Conference on Process Control, IEEE, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Radlinského 9, 81237, Bratislava, Slovakia, str. 108–113, 2023.   Zenodo
  6. M. FikarK. KišM. Klaučo – M. Mönnigmann: Simple Tuning of Arbitrary Controllers using Governors. V IFAC World Congress 2023, Yokohama, Japan, str. 9109–9114, 2023.     Zenodo
  7. M. Mojto – K. Ľubušký – M. FikarR. Paulen: Comparing Linear and Nonlinear Soft Sensor Approaches for Industrial Distillation Columns. V 49th International Conference of the Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering SSCHE 2023, Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Bratislava, SK, str. 159–159, 2023.   Zenodo
  8. M. Mojto – K. Ľubušký – M. FikarR. Paulen: Input Structure Selection for Soft-Sensor Design: Does It Pay Off?. Editor(i): R. Paulen and M. Fikar, V Proceedings of the 2023 24th International Conference on Process Control, IEEE, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Radlinského 9, 81237, Bratislava, Slovakia, str. 162–167, 2023.   Zenodo
  9. M. Mojto – K. Ľubušký – M. FikarR. Paulen: Data-Driven Indication of Flooding in an Industrial Debutanizer Column. Editor(i): Antonis Kokossis, Michael C. Georgiadis, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos, V 33rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Elsevier, č. 1, zv. 33, str. 1001–1006, 2023.   Zenodo
  10. M. Mojto – K. Ľubušký – M. FikarR. Paulen: Design of Multi-Model Linear Inferential Sensors with SVM-based Switching Logic. V IFAC World Congress 2023, Yokohama, Japan, str. 2545–2550, 2023.     Zenodo
  11. J. OravecP. BakaráčE. PavlovičováM. Fikar: Smart Eco Greenhouse VESNA. V IFAC World Congress 2023, Yokohama, Japan, str. 10295–10300, 2023.   Zenodo
  12. J. Vargan – J. Puk – K. Ľubušký – M. Fikar: Steady-State Analysis of Industrial MPC Controllers. Editor(i): R. Paulen and M. Fikar, V Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Process Control - Summaries Volume, Slovak Chemical Library, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Radlinského 9, SK812-37, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2023.   Zenodo
  13. M. Mojto – K. Ľubušký – M. FikarR. Paulen: Data-based Design of Inferential Sensors for an Industrial Depropanizer Column with Data Pre-treatment Analysis. Editor(i): Mário Mihaľ, V 48th International Conference of the Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering SSCHE 2022 and Membrane Conference PERMEA 2022, Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Bratislava, SK, str. 200, 2022.
  14. M. Mojto – K. Ľubušký – M. FikarR. Paulen: Support Vector Machine-based Design of Multi-model Inferential Sensors. Editor(i): Ludovic Montastruc, Stephane Negny, V 32nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Elsevier, č. 1, zv. 32, str. 1045–1050, 2022.
  15. M. Mojto – K. Ľubušký – M. FikarR. Paulen: Multi-Model Soft-Sensor Design for a Depropanizer Distillation Column. V Advanced Process Modelling Forum 18-19 October 2022, 2022.   Zenodo
  16. A. Ahmad – R. Paulen – R. Valo – M. Fikar – S. Engell: Experimental validation of iterative real-time optimization for a continuously operated membrane separation pilot plant. V ECCE 13 & ECAB 6 - 13th European Congress of Chemical Engineering & 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology - Book of Abstracts, DECHEMA e.V., str. 499–500, 2021.
  17. R. Dyrska – R. Mitze – M. FikarM. Kvasnica – M. Mönnigmann: Skipping Optimization Problems in Nonlinear Model Predictive Control by Exploiting Saturation. Editor(i): R. Paulen, M. Fikar and J. Oravec, V Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Process Control - Summaries Volume, Slovak Chemical Library, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Radlinského 9, SK812-37, Bratislava, Slovakia, str. 48–48, 2021.
  18. M. Fikar – M. Furka – M. HorváthováK. Kiš – M. Mojto: Dynamic Optimisation Toolbox dynopt 5.0. Editor(i): R. Paulen and M. Fikar, V Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Process Control, IEEE, Slovak University of Technology, str. 296–301, 2021.
  19. M. Mojto – K. Ľubušký – M. FikarR. Paulen: Data Treatment of Industrial Measurements: From Online to Inferential Sensors. Editor(i): R. Paulen, M. Fikar and J. Oravec, V Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Process Control - Summaries Volume, Slovak Chemical Library, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Radlinského 9, SK812-37, Bratislava, Slovakia, str. 52–53, 2021.
  20. M. Mojto – K. Ľubušký – M. FikarR. Paulen: Data-based Industrial Soft-sensor Design via Optimal Subset Selection. Editor(i): Metin Türkay, Rafiqul Gani, V 31st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Elsevier, zv. 31, str. 1247–1252, 2021.
  21. A. R. Gottu Mukkula – P. Valiauga – M. FikarR. Paulen – S. Engell: Experimental Real Time Optimization of a Continuous Membrane Separation Plant. Editor(i): Rolf Findeisen, Sandra Hirche, Klaus Janschek, Martin Mönnigmann, V Preprints of the 21st IFAC World Congress (Virtual), Berlin, Germany, July 12-17, 2020, zv. 21, str. 11967–11974, 2020.     arXiv
  22. J. HolazaJ. OravecM. Kvasnica – R. Dyrska – M. Mönnigmann – M. Fikar: Accelerating Explicit Model Predictive Control by Constraint Sorting. Editor(i): Rolf Findeisen, Sandra Hirche, Klaus Janschek, Martin Mönnigmann, V Preprints of the 21st IFAC World Congress (Virtual), Berlin, Germany, July 12-17, 2020, zv. 21, str. 11520–11525, 2020.
  23. M. KalúzĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: ELab: A Lightweight SCADA System for Control Engineering Research and Education. Editor(i): Rolf Findeisen, Sandra Hirche, Klaus Janschek, Martin Mönnigmann, V Preprints of the 21st IFAC World Congress (Virtual), Berlin, Germany, July 12-17, 2020, zv. 21, str. 17469–17474, 2020.
  24. Y. Lohr – M. KlaučoM. Fikar – M. Mönnigmann: Machine Learning Assisted Solutions of Mixed Integer MPC on Embedded Platforms. Editor(i): Rolf Findeisen, Sandra Hirche, Klaus Janschek, Martin Mönnigmann, V Preprints of the 21st IFAC World Congress (Virtual), Berlin, Germany, July 12-17, 2020, zv. 21, 2020.
  25. M. Mojto – K. Ľubušký – M. FikarR. Paulen: Advanced Process Control of an Industrial Depropanizer Column using Data-based Inferential Sensors. Editor(i): Sauro Pierucci, Flavio Manenti, Giulia Luisa Bozzano, Davide Manca, V 30th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Elsevier, zv. 30, str. 1213–1218, 2020.
  26. R. Bousbia-Salah – F. Lesage – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Closed-loop dynamic real-time optimization of a batch graft polymerization reactor. Editor(i): Anton A. Kiss, Edwin Zondervan, Richard Lakerveld, Leyla Özkan, V 29th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Elsevier, zv. 29, str. 1345–1350, 2019.
  27. W. Daosud – P. Kittisupakorn – M. Fikar – S. Lucia – R. Paulen: Efficient robust nonlinear model predictive control via approximate multi-stage programming: A neural networks based approach. Editor(i): Anton A. Kiss, Edwin Zondervan, Richard Lakerveld, Leyla Özkan, V 29th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Elsevier, zv. 29, str. 571–576, 2019.
  28. M. Fikar: Optimal Control of Membrane Processes. V Process Systems Engineering (PSE) Asia, Chulalongkorn Unviersity, Bangkok, Thajsko, str. 6–6, 2019.
  29. M. KalúzM. KlaučoĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Flexy2: A Portable Laboratory Device for Control Engineering Education. V 12th IFAC Symposium Advances in Control Education, str. 159–164, 2019.
  30. M. Mojto – K. Ľubušký – M. FikarR. Paulen: Design of Data-based Inferential Sensors for Industrial Depropanizer Column. Editor(i): G. Léonard and F. Logist, V Computer Aided Process Engineering, CAPE Forum, str. 12–13, 2019.
  31. M. Mojto – K. Ľubušký – R. PaulenM. Fikar: Advanced Process Control of a Depropanizer Column. Editor(i): M. Fikar and M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Process Control, Slovak Chemical Library, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, 2019.
  32. M. Mojto – R. Paulen – K. Ľubušký – M. Fikar: Modelling and Analysis of Control Pairings of an Industrial Depropanizer Column. V Advanced Process Modelling Forum 26-27 March 2019, str. 5–6, 2019.
  33. P. BakaráčM. KlaučoM. Fikar: Comparison of Inverted Pendulum Stabilization with PID, LQ, and MPC Control. Editor(i): J. Cigánek, Š. Kozák, A. Kozáková, V 2018 Cybernetics & Informatics (K&I), Slovak Chemical Library, Bratislava, Lazy pod Makytou, Slovakia, zv. 29, 2018.
  34. M. KalúzĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Flexy: An Open-source Device for Control Education. Editor(i): Cardoso, A., V 13th APCA International Conference on Automatic Control and Soft Computing, Nova Gráfica, Univesrity of the Azores, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, str. 37–42, 2018.
  35. R. PaulenM. Fikar: Dual robust control of batch processes based on optimality-conditions parameterization. V Preprints, 10th IFAC International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes Shenyang, Liaoning, China, July 25-27, 2018, Elsevier, str. 768–773, 2018.
  36. R. Paulen – A. Sharma – M. Fikar: Dynamic Real-time Optimization of Batch Membrane Processes using Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle. Editor(i): Anton Friedl, Jiří J. Klemeš, Stefan Radl, Petar S. Varbanov, Thomas Wallek, V 28th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Elsevier, zv. 28, str. 1045–1050, 2018.
  37. A. Sharma – R. Valo – M. KalúzR. PaulenM. Fikar: Experimental validation and comparison of time-optimal and industrial strategy for membrane separation process. V Preprints of the 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Vienna, Austria, February 21-23, 2018, str. 869–874, 2018.
  38. R. Bousbia-Salah – F. Lesage – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Closed-loop Dynamic Optimization of a Polymer Grafting Batch Reactor. Editor(i): M. Fikar and M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Process Control, Slovak Chemical Library, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, str. 376–379, 2017.
  39. M. Fikar: Optimálne riadenie vsádzkových membránových procesov. Editor(i): Zdeněk Palatý, V Membránové procesy pro udržitelný rozvoj, Česká membránová platforma, z.s, 2017.
  40. M. Jelemenský – M. FikarR. Paulen: Time-Optimal Operation of Membrane Processes in the Presence of Fouling with Set-Membership Parameter Estimation. V Preprints of the 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, zv. 20, str. 4776–4781, 2017.
  41. M. Jelemenský – R. PaulenM. Fikar: Time-optimal Batch Diafiltration under Fouling and Limiting Flux Conditions. V 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, zv. 10, 2017.
  42. M. KalúzĽ. Čirka – R. Valo – M. Fikar: Lab of Things: A Network-Based I/O Services for Laboratory Experimentation. V Preprints of the 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, zv. 20, str. 14028–14033, 2017.
  43. J. Oravec – D. Pakšiová – M. Bakošová – M. Fikar: Soft-Constrained Alternative Robust MPC: Experimental Study. V Preprints of the 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, zv. 20, str. 11877–11882, 2017.
  44. A. Sharma – M. Jelemenský – R. PaulenM. Fikar: Optimal Operation of Nanofilter Based Diafiltration Processes Using Experimental Permeation Models. Editor(i): M. Fikar and M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Process Control, Slovak Chemical Library, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, str. 185–190, 2017.
  45. M. Jelemenský – M. KlaučoR. Paulen – J. Lauwers – F. Logist – J. Van Impe – M. Fikar: Time-Optimal Control and Parameter Estimation of Diafiltration Processes in the Presence of Membrane Fouling. V 11th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems, zv. 11, str. 242–247, 2016.
  46. D. Pakšiová – M. Fikar – S. Skogestad: Modeling of Carbon Dioxide Removal using Membrane Contactors. Editor(i): J. Cigánek (SK), Š. Kozák (SK), A. Kozáková (SK),, V 2016 Cybernetics & Informatics (K&I), 28th International Conference, Levoča, zv. 28, 2016.
  47. A. Sharma – M. Jelemenský – R. PaulenM. Fikar: Estimation of membrane fouling parameters for concentrating lactose using nanofiltration. Editor(i): Zdravko Kravanja, Miloš Bogataj, V 26th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Elsevier B.V, Portorož, Slovenia, zv. 26, str. 151–156, 2016.
  48. A. Sharma – M. Jelemenský – R. Valo – M. KalúzM. Fikar: Process Control Education using a Laboratory Separation Process. V Preprints of the 11th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, zv. 11, str. 4–9, 2016.
  49. J. Števek – M. Fikar: Teaching aids for laboratory experiments with AR.Drone2 quadrotor. V Preprints of the 11th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, zv. 11, str. 236–241, 2016.
  50. J. Števek – S. Katuščák – M. Fikar – L. Dubinyová: An automatic identification of wood materials from color images. Editor(i): J. Cigánek (SK), Š. Kozák (SK), A. Kozáková (SK),, V 2016 Cybernetics & Informatics (K&I), 28th International Conference, Levoča, zv. 28, 2016.
  51. J. Drgoňa – M. Klaučo – R. Valo – J. Bendžala – M. Fikar: Model Identification and Predictive Control of a Laboratory Binary Distillation Column. Editor(i): M. Fikar and M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak Chemical Library, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, 2015.
  52. M. Jelemenský – A. Sharma – R. PaulenM. Fikar: Time-optimal Operation of Diafiltration Processes in the Presence of Fouling. Editor(i): Krist V. Gernaey and Jakob K. Huusom and Rafiqul Gani, V 12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering And 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Elsevier B.V, Copenhagen, Denmark, str. 1577–1582, 2015.
  53. M. Jelemenský – A. Sharma – R. PaulenM. Fikar: Multi-Objective Optimization of Batch Dialfiltration Processes in the Presence of Membrane Fouling. Editor(i): M. Fikar and M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak Chemical Library, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, str. 84–89, 2015.
  54. J. OravecM. KalúzĽ. Čirka – M. Bakošová – M. Fikar: WebPIDDESIGN for Robust PID Controller Design. Editor(i): M. Fikar and M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak Chemical Library, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, str. 393–399, 2015.
  55. J. OravecM. KalúzĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar – M. Bakošová: WebPIDDESIGN – Software for PID Controller Design Management. V European Control Conference 2015, Linz, Austria, str. 3020–3025, 2015.
  56. A. Sharma – M. Jelemenský – R. PaulenM. Fikar: Modelling and Optimal Control of Membrane Process with Partial Recirculation. Editor(i): M. Fikar and M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak Chemical Library, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, str. 90–95, 2015.
  57. M. Fikar: Modelling, Control, and Optimisation of Membrane Processes. Editor(i): Ivo Petráš, Igor Podlubny, Ján Kačur, Radim Farana, V Proceedings of 15th International Carpathian Control Conference, Velke Karlovice, Czech Republic, str. 109–114, 2014.
  58. M. Jelemenský – R. PaulenM. Fikar – Z. Kovacs: Time-Optimal Control of Batch Multi-Component Diafiltration Processes. Editor(i): Jirí Jaromír Klemeš, Petar Sabev Varbanov, Peng Yen Liew, V 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Elsevier B.V, Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands, zv. 2014, str. 553–558, 2014.
  59. M. Jelemenský – R. PaulenM. Fikar – Z. Kovacs: Time-optimal Diafiltration in the Presence of Membrane Fouling. V Preprints of the 19th IFAC World Congress Cape Town (South Africa) August 24 - August 29, 2014, str. 4897–4902, 2014.
  60. M. KalúzĽ. Čirka – R. Valo – M. Fikar: ArPi Lab: A Low-cost Remote Laboratory for Control Education. V Preprints of the 19th IFAC World Congress Cape Town (South Africa) August 24 - August 29, 2014, 2014.
  61. M. Klaučo – S. Blažek – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Mixed-Integer SOCP Formulation of the Path Planning Problem for Heterogeneous Multi-Vehicle Systems. V European Control Conference 2014, Strasbourg, France, str. 1474–1479, 2014.
  62. M. Klaučo – M. Jelemenský – R. Valo – M. Fikar: Identification and Control of a Laboratory Distillation Column. Editor(i): J. Cigánek, Š. Kozák, A. Kozáková, D. Rosinová, V Medzinárodná konferencia Kybernetika a Informatika '14, Nakladateľstvo STU v Bratislave, Oščadnica, zv. 27, 2014.
  63. J. Števek – M. Fikar: A heuristic approach for complexity reduction in explicit MPC - border based technique. Editor(i): J. Cigánek, Š. Kozák, A. Kozáková, D. Rosinová, V Medzinárodná konferencia Kybernetika a Informatika '14, Nakladateľstvo STU v Bratislave, Oščadnica, zv. 27, 2014.
  64. J. Števek – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar – A. Vrbický: An Application of Multi-parametric Programming in Integrated Circuit Automation (Slotting Problem). V Preprints of the 19th IFAC World Congress Cape Town (South Africa) August 24 - August 29, 2014, str. 10275–10280, 2014.
  65. Ľ. ČirkaM. KalúzM. Fikar: New Features in Random Assignment - Module for LMS Moodle. V Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie: Inovačný proces v e-learningu, Ekonóm, str. 1–6, 2013.
  66. Ľ. ČirkaM. KalúzM. Fikar: Virtual Laboratories for Control Education. V Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie: Inovačný proces v e-learningu, Ekonóm, str. 1–5, 2013.
  67. Ľ. ČirkaM. KalúzM. Fikar: On-line Remote Control of MATLAB Simulations Based on Asynchronous Communication Model. Editor(i): Petr Byron, V 21th Annual Conference Proceedings: Technical Computing Prague 2013, ICT Prague Press, str. 1–6, 2013.
  68. J. Drgoňa – M. KvasnicaM. KlaučoM. Fikar: Explicit Stochastic MPC Approach to Building Temperature Control. V IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, str. 6440–6445, 2013.
  69. M. Jelemenský – R. PaulenM. Fikar – Z. Kovacs: Economically Optimal Batch Ultrafiltration with Diafiltration under Limiting Flux Conditions. V Desalination using membrane technology, Elsevier, č. 1, zv. 1, 2013.
  70. M. Jelemenský – R. PaulenM. Fikar – Z. Kovacs: Economically Optimal Diluant Addition for Batch Ultrafiltration/Diafiltration Processes. Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kvasnica, M., V Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, str. 415–420, 2013.
  71. M. Jelemenský – R. PaulenM. Fikar – Z. Kovacs: Multi-objective optimal control of ultrafiltration/diafiltration processes. V Proceedings of the 12th European Control Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, str. 3384–3389, 2013.
  72. M. Jelemenský – R. PaulenM. Fikar – Z. Kovacs: Economically Optimal Control of Batch Diafiltration Processes. V IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Hyderabad, India, str. 734–739, 2013.
  73. M. Jelemenský – R. PaulenM. Fikar – Z. Kovacs: Economically Optimal Water Utilization in Batch Ultrafiltration/Diafiltration Processes. V Permea 2013 - Proceedings of the 6th Membrane Conference of the Visegad Countries, str. 27–27, 2013.
  74. M. KalúzĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Simplifying the Implementation of Remote Laboratories in Educational Environments Using Industrial Hardware. Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kvasnica, M., V Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, str. 522–527, 2013.
  75. M. Kalúz – J. García-Zubía – P. Orduña – M. FikarĽ. Čirka: Sharing Control Laboratories by Remote Laboratory Management System WebLab-Deusto. Editor(i): Sebastián Dormido, V Proceedings of 10th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, International Federation of Automatic Control, Sheffield, UK, zv. 10, str. 345–350, 2013.
  76. M. Kvasnica – A. Szűcs – M. Fikar – J. Drgoňa: Explicit MPC of LPV Systems in the Controllable Canonical Form. V 2013 European Control Conference, str. 1035–1040, 2013.
  77. R. Paulen – B. Benyahia – M. A. Latifi – M. Fikar: Dynamic optimization of semi-batch emulsion copolymerization reactor for styrene/butyl acrylate in the presence of a chain transfer agent. Editor(i): Andrzej Kraslawski and Ilkka Turunen, V 23rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Elsevier, Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands, zv. 32, str. 721–726, 2013.
  78. R. Paulen – B. Benyahia – M. A. Latifi – M. Fikar: Optimal feeding of emulsion polymerization reactor for styrene and butyl acrylate copolymerization. Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kvasnica, M., V Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, str. 427–432, 2013.
  79. R. Paulen – M. Villanueva – M. Fikar – B. Chachuat: Guaranteed Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear Dynamic Systems using Improved Bounding Techniques. V Proceedings of the 12th European Control Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, str. 4514–4519, 2013.
  80. J. Števek – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Towards a dominant-polytope complexity reduction in Explicit MPC. Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kvasnica, M., V Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, str. 124–129, 2013.
  81. M. Fikar – K. Kostúr: Optimal Process Control. V Proceedings of 13th International Carpathian Control Conference, Podbanske, Slovakia, str. 153–172, 2012.
  82. M. Jelemenský – L. Petáková – R. PaulenM. Fikar: Comparative Study in Dynamic Optimization of Emulsion Polymerization Reactor. Editor(i): Ivan Taufer, Daniel Honc, Milan Javurek, V Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2012, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. C013b – 1–C013b – 11, 2012.
  83. M. KalúzĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Advances in Online Courses on Process Control. Editor(i): Pakshin, Pavel, V Proceedings of 9th IFAC Symposium Advances in Control Education, IFAC - PapersOnline, Resort Automobilist, Russia, č. 1, zv. 9, str. 235–240, 2012.
  84. M. KalúzĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: On-line Matlab-based Educational Tools for Process Control Related Courses. V 20th Annual Conference Proceedings: Technical Computing Bratislava 2012, RT Systems, s.r.o., str. 35–35, 2012.
  85. Z. Kovacs – R. PaulenM. Fikar – G. Foley – P. Czermak: How to tune up the performance of your UF/DF process. V Informationstag Membrantechnik - Membranverfahren in der Biotechnologie, Dechema Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V., Theodor-Heuss-Alle 25, 60486 Frankfurt, str. 17–17, 2012.
  86. M. Kvasnica – R. Gondhalekar – M. Fikar: A hierarchical design methodology for implementing safety-critical constrained controllers with guaranteed stability and failure detection. V IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, str. 1214–1219, 2012.
  87. M. Kvasnica – R. Gondhalekar – A. Szűcs – M. Fikar: Stabilizing Refinement of Low-Complexity MPC Controllers. V Preprints of 4th IFAC Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Conference, str. 400–405, 2012.
  88. M. Kvasnica – J. Hledík – M. Fikar: Reducing the Memory Footprint of Explicit MPC Solutions by Partial Selection. V IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, str. 4537–4542, 2012.
  89. R. Paulen – B. Benyahia – M. A. Latifi – M. Fikar: Dynamic Simulation of Hybrid Differential Algebraic Systems Using GPROMS: Case Study in Emulsion Polymerization. Editor(i): Ivan Taufer, Daniel Honc, Milan Javurek, V Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2012, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. C013a – 1–C013a – 14, 2012.
  90. R. PaulenM. Fikar – G. Foley – Z. Kovacs – P. Czermak: Time Optimal Control of Batch Membrane Processes. Editor(i): Kozák, Š, Kozáková, A., Rosinová, A., V Kybernetika a informatika: Medzinárodná konferencia SSKI SAV, STU v Bratislave, 2012.
  91. R. PaulenM. Fikar – G. Foley – Z. Kovacs – P. Czermak: Time-optimal batch diafiltration. V 8th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes ADCHEM 2012 Singapore, 10-13 July 2012, str. 804–809, 2012.
  92. A. Szűcs – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Optimal Piecewise Affine Approximations of Nonlinear Functions Obtained from Measurements. V 4th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, Eindhoven, Netherlands, str. 160–165, 2012.
  93. A. Szűcs – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Fitting Data With PWA Functions Defined Over Voronoi Cells. Editor(i): Ivan Taufer, Daniel Honc, Milan Javurek, V Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2012, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, 2012.
  94. A. Szűcs – M. Kvasnica – J. Števek – M. Fikar: Optimal Fitting of Data by PWA Functions of Fixed Complexity. Editor(i): P. Varbanov, H. L. Lam, A. Nemet, J. Klemeš, V Proceedings of the International CAPE Forum 2012, Press of the University of Pannonia, str. 46–46, 2012.
  95. J. Števek – A. Szűcs – M. Kvasnica – Š. Kozák – M. Fikar: Smart technique for identifying hybrid systems. Editor(i): Anikó Szakál, V Proceedings of IEEE 10th Jubilee International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, IEEE, zv. 10, str. 383–388, 2012.
  96. Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: LMS Moodle v2.0 - Random Assignment. Editor(i): Sojka, P., Kviza, M., V Sborník 7. ročníku konference o elektronické podpoře výuky SCO 2011, Muni Press, str. 133–138, 2011.
  97. Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar – A. Vasičkaninová: Add-on Module for the Moodle Learning Management System. V Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie: Inovačný proces v e-learningu, Ekonóm, str. 1–5, 2011.
  98. J. Jäschke – M. Fikar – S. Skogestad: Self-Optimizing Invariants in Dynamic Optimization. V Proceedings of the 50th CDC and ECC, Orlando, Florida, str. 7753–7758, 2011.
  99. M. KalúzĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Virtual Laboratory of Process Control. Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kvasnica. M., V Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia, str. 348–351, 2011.
  100. M. KalúzĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Remote Control Software for Thermo-Optical Plant. Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kvasnica. M., V Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia, str. 587–592, 2011.
  101. M. KalúzĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Virtual and Remote Laboratories in Education Process at FCFT STU. Editor(i): Michael E. Auer, Mikuláš Huba, V Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, International Association of Online Engineering, Kirchengasse 10/200, A-1070, Wien, Austria, Piešťany, Slovakia, str. 134–139, 2011.
  102. M. KalúzĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: MATLAB Tool for Identification of Nonlinear Systems. Editor(i): Petr Byron, V 19th Annual Conference Proceedings: Technical Computing Prague 2011, Humusoft s.r.o., str. 62–62, 2011.
  103. M. Kvasnica – M. Herceg – Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Explicit Minimum-Time Controllers for Fuzzy Systems. V Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Preprints, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, str. 287–292, 2011.
  104. M. Kvasnica – M. Herceg – Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Robust Explicit Time-Optimal Control of PWA Systems with Parametric Uncertainties. V Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Preprints, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, str. 295–300, 2011.
  105. M. Kvasnica – I. Rauová – M. Fikar: Real-Time Implementation of Model Predictive Control Using Automatic Code Generation. V Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Preprints, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, str. 311–316, 2011.
  106. M. Kvasnica – I. Rauová – M. Fikar: Separation Functions used in Simplification of Explicit MPC Feedback Laws. V Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Preprints, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, str. 303–308, 2011.
  107. M. Kvasnica – I. Rauová – M. Fikar: Simplification of Explicit MPC Feedback Laws via Separation Functions. V Preprints of the 18th IFAC World Congress Milano (Italy) August 28 - September 2, 2011, str. 5383–5388, 2011.
  108. M. Kvasnica – A. Szűcs – M. Fikar: Automated Piecewise Affine Approximation of Nonlinear Systems. V Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Preprints, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, str. 319–326, 2011.
  109. M. Kvasnica – A. Szűcs – M. Fikar: Automatic Derivation of Optimal Piecewise Affine Approximations of Nonlinear Systems. V Preprints of the 18th IFAC World Congress Milano (Italy) August 28 - September 2, 2011, str. 8675–8680, 2011.
  110. R. PaulenM. Fikar: Tighter Convex Relaxations for Global Optimization Using alphaBB Based Approach. Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kvasnica. M., V Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia, str. 537–542, 2011.
  111. R. PaulenM. Fikar – G. Foley – Z. Kovacs – P. Czermak: Time-optimal diafiltration under gel polarization conditions. V ICOM 2011 - Book of abstracts, str. 379–380, 2011.
  112. R. PaulenM. Fikar – Z. Kovacs – P. Czermak: Dynamic Optimization of Diafiltration Process for Albumin Production. V Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Preprints, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, str. 329–334, 2011.
  113. R. PaulenM. Fikar – Z. Kovacs – P. Czermak: Optimal Control of Diafiltration Process for Albumin Production. V Preprints of the 18th IFAC World Congress Milano (Italy) August 28 - September 2, 2011, str. 14007–14012, 2011.
  114. M. Paulovič – M. Kvasnica – A. Szűcs – M. Fikar: Safety Verification of Rule-Based Controllers. Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kvasnica. M., V Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia, str. 278–283, 2011.
  115. M. Podmajerský – M. Fikar: Real-time Dynamic Optimisation by Integrated Two-Time-Scale Scheme. Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kvasnica. M., V Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia, str. 543–551, 2011.
  116. M. Podmajerský – B. Chachuat – M. Fikar: Run-to-run Optimisation of Batch Processes with In-batch Controller. V Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control. Preprints, STU Bratislava - NTNU Trondheim, str. 337–342, 2011.
  117. M. Podmajerský – B. Chachuat – M. Fikar: Integrated Two-Time-Scale Scheme for Real-time Optimisation of Batch Processes. V Preprints of the 18th IFAC World Congress Milano (Italy) August 28 - September 2, 2011, str. 11405–11410, 2011.
  118. I. Rauová – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Separating Functions for Complexity Reduction of Explicit Model Predictive Control. Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kvasnica. M., V Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia, str. 427–433, 2011.
  119. I. Rauová – R. Valo – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Real-Time Model Predictive Control of a Fan Heater via PLC. Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kvasnica. M., V Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia, str. 388–393, 2011.
  120. A. Szűcs – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: MATLAB Toolbox for Automatic Approximation of Nonlinear Functions. Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kvasnica. M., V Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia, str. 119–124, 2011.
  121. A. Szűcs – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: A Memory-Efficient Representation of Explicit MPC Solutions. V Proceedings of the 50th CDC and ECC, Orlando, Florida, str. 1916–1921, 2011.
  122. Ľ. Čirka – M. Bakošová – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Internet Module for Process Modelling and Simulation. V Principia Cybernetica 2010, Technická univerzita v Liberci, Liberec, Česká republika, str. 22–26, 2010.
  123. Ľ. ČirkaM. KalúzM. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Virtual Laboratory. V Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2010, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. C029a - 1–C029a - 8, 2010.
  124. M. Fikar: Optimal operation of dynamic processes. Editor(i): Markoš, J., V Proceedings of the 37th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia, str. 3–15, 2010.
  125. M. KalúzĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: MATLAB Builder JA in Control Engineering Education at FCFT STU. V Technical Computing Bratislava 2010, RT Systems, s.r.o., zv. 18, str. 053_1–053_5, 2010.
  126. M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Advances in Real-Time Model Predictive Control. V Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2010, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. C012a-1–C012a-19, 2010.
  127. M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Design and Implementation of Model Predictive Control using Multi-Parametric Toolbox and YALMIP. V Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design, Yokohama, Japan, str. 999–1004, 2010.
  128. M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Performance-Lossless Complexity Reduction in Explicit MPC. V Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2010, str. 5270–5275, 2010.
  129. M. Kvasnica – J. Löfberg – M. Herceg – Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Low-Complexity Polynomial Approximation of Explicit MPC via Linear Programming. V Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Baltimore, USA, str. 4713–4718, 2010.
  130. M. Kvasnica – I. Rauová – M. Fikar: Real-time Implementation of MPC on Low-cost Hardware. V Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2010, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. C116a-1–C116a-11, 2010.
  131. M. Kvasnica – I. Rauová – M. Fikar: Automatic Code Generation for Real-Time Implementation of Model Predictive Control. V Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design, Yokohama, Japan, str. 993–998, 2010.
  132. M. Kvasnica – A. Szűcs – M. Fikar: Optimization-Based Automatic Derivation of Hybrid Approximations. V VOCAL 2010, Program and Abstracts, str. 55–55, 2010.
  133. R. PaulenM. Fikar – G. Foley – Z. Kovacs – P. Czermak: Time-Optimal Diafiltration Process: Dynamic Optimization Approach. V VOCAL 2010, Program and Abstracts, str. 91–92, 2010.
  134. R. PaulenM. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Dynamic Optimization of a Hybrid System: Emulsion Polymerization Reaction. Editor(i): Kozák, Š., Kozáková, A., Rosinová, D., V Medzinárodná konferencia Kybernetika a Informatika, Vydavateľstvo STU, Vazovova 5, 812 43 Bratislava, 2010.
  135. R. PaulenM. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Dynamic Optimization of Emulsion Polymerization Process. V Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2010, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. C023a-1–C023a-11, 2010.
  136. R. PaulenM. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Dynamic Optimization of a Polymerization Reactor. V 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Marrakech, Morocco, str. 733–738, 2010.
  137. R. Paulen – Z. Kovacs – M. Fikar – P. Czermak: Dynamic Optimization of Batch Membrane Filtration Processes. V Permea 2010 - Proceedings of the 5th Membrane Science and Technology Conference of the Visegad Countries with Wider International Participation, str. 67–67, 2010.
  138. M. Podmajerský – B. Chachuat – M. Fikar: Integrated Two-Time-Scale Scheme for Dynamic Real-Time Optimisation. V Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2010, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. C088a-1–C088a-14, 2010.
  139. M. Podmajerský – B. Chachuat – M. Fikar: Measurement-based Optimisation of Batch Process by Integrated Two-Time-Scale Scheme. V VOCAL 2010, Program and Abstracts, str. 93–93, 2010.
  140. Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: E-learning on System Identification. Editor(i): Huba, M., V Proceedings of 10th International Conference Virtual University, E-academia Slovaca, Bratislava, 2009.
  141. M. Herceg – M. KvasnicaM. FikarĽ. Čirka: Real-Time Control of a Thermo-Optical Device Using Polynomial Approximation of MPC Scheme. Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kvasnica, M., V Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Process Control ’09, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, str. 332–340, 2009.
  142. Z. Kovacs – M. Fikar – P. Czermak: Mathematical modeling of diafiltration. V Conference of Chemical Engineering, Pannonia University, Veszprem, str. 135–135, 2009.
  143. M. Kvasnica – M. Herceg – Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Time Optimal Control of Fuzzy Systems: a Parametric Programming Approach. V Proceedings of the 28th IASTED Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, str. 640-805.pdf, 2009.
  144. M. Kvasnica – M. Herceg – Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Time-Optimal Control of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems. V Proceedings of the 10th European Control Conference, Budapest, Hungary, str. 916–921, 2009.
  145. M. Kvasnica – M. Herceg – Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Robust Adaptive Minimum-Time Control of Piecewise Affine Systems. V Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, str. 2454–2459, 2009.
  146. R. PaulenM. Fikar – M. Čižniar – M. A. Latifi: Global Optimization for Parameter Estimation of Dynamic Systems. Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kvasnica, M., V Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Process Control ’09, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, str. 86–92, 2009.
  147. M. Podmajerský – M. Fikar: On-Line Neighbouring-Extremal Controller Design for Setpoint-Transition in Presence of Uncertainty. Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kvasnica, M., V Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Process Control ’09, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, str. 107–113, 2009.
  148. I. Rauová – M. KvasnicaĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Real-Time Model Predictive Control of a Laboratory Liquid Tanks System. Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kvasnica, M., V Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Process Control ’09, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, str. 304–308, 2009.
  149. Ľ. ČirkaM. FikarM. Kvasnica – M. Herceg: Experimental Identification – an Interactive Online Course. V Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Seoul, South Korea, str. 9812–9816, 2008.
  150. Ľ. ČirkaM. KvasnicaM. Fikar: WebLab Module for the Moodle Learning Management System. Editor(i): Huba, M., V Proceedings of 9th International Conference Virtual University 2008, E-academia Slovaca, Bratislava, str. fid000131.pdf, 2008.
  151. M. Čižniar – M. FikarM. Kvasnica – M. A. Latifi: Design of Globally Optimal Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. Editor(i): L. Magni, D. Raimondo, F. Allgoewer, V International Workshop on Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Pavia, Italy, str. PV3-1–PV3-8, 2008.
  152. M. Čižniar – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Design of constrained nonlinear model predictive control based on global optimisation. Editor(i): Bertrand Braunschweig and Xavier Joulia, V 18th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Elsevier, Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands, zv. 25, str. 563–568, 2008.
  153. M. Čižniar – T. Hirmajer – M. Podmajerský – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: NMPC based on global optimisation. V Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2008, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. c025b-1–c025b-6, 2008.
  154. M. FikarĽ. Čirka – M. Herceg – M. Podmajerský: E-learning in Course Operating Systems. Editor(i): Huba, M., V Proceedings of 9th International Conference Virtual University 2008, E-academia Slovaca, Bratislava, str. fid000091.pdf, 2008.
  155. M. Herceg – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Stabilization of an Inverted Pendulum via Fuzzy Explicit Predictive Control. V Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2008, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. C021_b-1–C021_b-5, 2008.
  156. M. Herceg – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Parametric Approach to Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. Editor(i): L. Magni, D. Raimondo, F. Allgoewer, V International Workshop on Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Pavia, Italy, str. PI1-1–PI1-8, 2008.
  157. M. Herceg – J. MiklešM. FikarM. KvasnicaĽ. Čirka: Real-time 2DoF Control of a Quadruple Tank System with Integral Action. V Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Seoul, South Korea, str. 8666–8671, 2008.
  158. T. Hirmajer – M. Čižniar – M. Fikar – E. Balsa-Canto – J. R. Banga: Brief Introduction To DOTcvp - Dynamic Optimization Toolbox. V Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2008, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. C011a, 2008.
  159. T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar – E. Balsa-Canto – J. R. Banga: Application of a control vector parameterization method using an interior point algorithm. Editor(i): Bruzzone L., V Proceedings of the Fifth IASTED International Conference Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications, ACTA Press, Innsbruck, str. 122–127, 2008.
  160. M. Kvasnica – M. Herceg – Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Model Predictive Control of a CSTR: a Hybrid Modelling Approach. V Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2008, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. C021_a-1–C021_a-9, 2008.
  161. M. Kvasnica – M. Herceg – Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Adaptive Model Predictive Control of Piecewise Affine Systems. Editor(i): L. Magni, D. Raimondo, F. Allgoewer, V International Workshop on Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Pavia, Italy, str. PIV3-1–PIV3-8, 2008.
  162. M. Kvasnica – F. J. Christophersen – M. Herceg – M. Fikar: Polynomial Approximation of Closed-form MPC for Piecewise Affine Systems. V Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Seoul, South Korea, str. 3877–3882, 2008.
  163. M. Podmajerský – M. Fikar: Measurement-based Run-to-run Optimisation of Hybrid Two-stage Reactor System. V Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2008, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. C025a – 1–C025a – 11, 2008.
  164. I. Rauová – M. KvasnicaĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Real-Time Model Predictive Control of a Laboratory Liquid Tanks System. V Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference Technical Computing Prague 2008, Kongresové centrum ČVUT Praha, str. 89–95, 2008.
  165. M. Bakošová – M. FikarĽ. Čirka: E-learning in Process Control Education. V Proceedings of European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-6), Copenhagen, str. CD ROM 1015.pdf, 2007.
  166. M. Bakošová – M. FikarĽ. Čirka: E-learning in Course on Process Control. Editor(i): Sedláček, J., V Sborník příspěvku konference a souteže eLearning 2007, Gaudeamus, str. 191–197, 2007.
  167. Ľ. Čirka – M. Bakošová – M. Fikar – M. Herceg: Dynamic Simulations of Chemical Processes via the MATLAB Web Server. V Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference Technical Computing Prague 2007, Kongresové centrum ČVUT Praha, str. 34–34, 2007.
  168. Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: A Dynamical System Identification Toolbox. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Process Control '07, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, str. 001f.pdf, 2007.
  169. Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: LMS Moodle - Random Assignment. Editor(i): Huba, M., V Proceedings of 8th International Conference Virtual University, E-academia Slovaca, Bratislava, str. 168–170, 2007.
  170. Ľ. ČirkaM. FikarM. Kvasnica – M. Herceg: New Features in Course on Experimental Identification. Editor(i): Huba, M., V Proceedings of 8th International Conference Virtual University, E-academia Slovaca, Bratislava, str. 182–187, 2007.
  171. P. Dovaľ – Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: EXPID - Experimental Identification Toolbox. V Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference Technical Computing Prague 2007, Kongresové centrum ČVUT Praha, str. 38–38, 2007.
  172. M. FikarĽ. Čirka – M. Bakošová – T. Hirmajer: Automatic Generation of Quizzes in MATLAB. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Process Control '07, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, str. 184f.pdf, 2007.
  173. M. FikarĽ. Čirka – M. Bakošová – T. Hirmajer: Automatic Generation of Assignments and Quizzes in Control Engineering Education. Editor(i): S. G. Tzafestas, P. J. Antsaklis, V Proceedings of the European Control Conference ECC '07, str. 2714–2720, 2007.
  174. M. FikarĽ. Čirka – S. Katuščák – R. Tiňo: Information Technologies for the Project KNIHA.SK. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Process Control '07, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, str. 237f.pdf, 2007.
  175. M. FikarĽ. Čirka – S. Katuščák – R. Tiňo: Informačné technológie pre projekt KnihaSK. Editor(i): Tiňo, R., Vizárová, K., Reháková, M., V Wood, Pulp and Paper 2007, Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave, str. 5–6, 2007.
  176. M. Herceg – M. KvasnicaĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Real-time Predictive Control of a Servo Engine. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Process Control '07, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, str. 222f.pdf, 2007.
  177. M. Herceg – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Stabilizing Predictive Control of Fuzzy Systems Described by Takagi-Sugeno Models. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Process Control '07, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, str. 223f.pdf, 2007.
  178. M. Herceg – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Transformation of Fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno Models into Piecewise Affine Models. Editor(i): M. Kryszkiewicz, J. F. Peters, H. Rybinski, A. Skowron, V Proceedings of the International Conference on Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems Paradigms, Springer, Warsaw, Poland, zv. LNAI 4585, str. 211–220, 2007.
  179. T. Hirmajer – M. Čižniar – M. Fikar: Application of a Gradient Method to Dynamic Optimization Problems. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Process Control '07, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, str. 023f.pdf, 2007.
  180. M. Podmajerský – M. Čižniar – T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Recent Developments in Dynopt Package. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Process Control '07, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, str. 032f.pdf, 2007.
  181. M. Bakošová – Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar – T. Hirmajer: Automatic Control Fundamentals - an Interactive Online Course. Editor(i): Huba, M., V Proceedings of 7th International Conference Virtual University, E-academia Slovaca, Bratislava, str. 47–52, 2006.
  182. M. Bakošová – M. Fikar: Using the LMS Moodle in Process Dynamics Education. Editor(i): Huba, M., V Proceedings of 7th International Conference Virtual University, E-academia Slovaca, Bratislava, str. 224–228, 2006.
  183. Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Registration - an Activity Module for LMS Moodle. Editor(i): Huba, M., V Proceedings of 7th International Conference Virtual University, E-academia Slovaca, Bratislava, str. 184–187, 2006.
  184. Ľ. ČirkaM. FikarJ. Mikleš: Adaptive LQ Control of a Laboratory Fan Heater. Editor(i): S. Krejčí, V Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2006, University of Pardubice, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. R004b:1–12, 2006.
  185. Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar – P. Petruš: IDTOOL 4.0 - A Dynamical System Identification Toolbox for MATLAB/Simulink. V 14th Annual Conference Proceedings: Technical Computing Prague 2006, The MathWorks, Inc. & HUMUSOFT s.r.o. & Ústav počítačové a řídicí techniky VŠCHT v Praze, str. 29–29, 2006.
  186. M. Čižniar – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: A Matlab Package for Dynamic Optimisation of Processes. Editor(i): S. Krejčí, V Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2006, University of Pardubice, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. R118.pdf, 2006.
  187. M. Fikar – R. Valo – Ľ. Čirka – M. Bakošová – J. Dvoran: Individualizovaný pristup vo vyučovaní základov automatizácie. V Principia Cybernetica 2006, Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, Zlín, Česká republika, str. CD ROM P4-21 - P4-28, 2006.
  188. M. Fikar – R. Valo – Ľ. Čirka – M. Bakošová – J. Dvoran: Individualizovaný pristup vo vyučovaní základov automatizácie. V Principia Cybernetica 2006, Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, Zlín, Česká republika, str. 13, 2006.
  189. M. Fikar – R. Valo – Ľ. Čirka – M. Bakošová – M. Huba: Individualised Approaches in Control Education Courses with Large Number of Students. Editor(i): S. Dormido, A. Fernandez, F. Morilla, R. Pastor, V Preprints of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, Madrid, str. 78.pdf, 2006.
  190. M. Fikar – R. Valo – Ľ. Čirka – M. Bakošová – M. Huba: Individualised Approaches in Control Education Courses with Large Number of Students. Editor(i): S. Dormido, F. Morilla, J. Sanchez, V Book of Abstracts - 7th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, Madrid, str. 70, 2006.
  191. T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar: Optimal Control of a Hybrid Coupled Tanks System. Editor(i): R. Trappl, V Cybernetics and informatics 2006 , Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, Freyung 6/6, A-1010 Vienna, Austria, č. 1, str. 41–45, 2006.
  192. T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar: Optimal Control of a Two-stage Reactor System. Editor(i): S. Krejčí, V Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2006, University of Pardubice, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. CD ROM AR021, 2006.
  193. T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar: Optimal Control of a Two-stage Reactor System. Editor(i): S. Krejčí, V Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2006, University of Pardubice, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. 20, 2006.
  194. M. Huba – M. Kamenský – P. Bisták – M. Fikar: Blended Learning Course: Constrained PID Control. Editor(i): S. Dormido, A. Fernandez, F. Morilla, R. Pastor, V Preprints of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, Madrid, str. 161.pdf, 2006.
  195. M. Huba – M. Kamenský – P. Bisták – M. Fikar: Blended Learning Course: Constrained PID Control. Editor(i): S. Dormido, F. Morilla, J. Sanchez, V Book of Abstracts - 7th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, Madrid, str. 57, 2006.
  196. J. MiklešĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: H2 Optimal Controller with Integral Action for a Chemical Reactor. V Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Munich, Germany, str. 2127–2131, 2006.
  197. J. MiklešĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar – L. Dermíšek: A Decoupling LQ Controller for a Chemical Reactor. V Proceedings of 7th International Carpathian Control Conference, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 2006.
  198. Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: IDTOOL 3.0 - A Dynamical System Identification Toolbox for MATLAB/SIMULINK. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, J. Dvoran, V Proceedings of the 15th International Conference Process Control '05, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras, Slovakia, 2005.
  199. Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Registration - Module for LMS Moodle. Editor(i): Huba, M., V Proceedings of 6th International Conference Virtual University, E-academia Slovaca, Bratislava, str. 229–232, 2005.
  200. Ľ. ČirkaM. FikarJ. Mikleš: Youla-Kučera Parameterisation Approach to LQ Tracking and Disturbance Rejection Problem. V Proceedings of the 16th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005.
  201. Ľ. Čirka – D. Puna – T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar: Moodle: a Software Package for Producing Internet-based Courses and Web Sites. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, J. Dvoran, V Proceedings of the 15th International Conference Process Control '05, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras, Slovakia, str. 206f.pdf, 2005.
  202. M. Čižniar – D. Salhi – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: A MATLAB Package for Orthogonal Collocations on Finite Elements in Dynamic Optimisation. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, J. Dvoran, V Proceedings of the 15th International Conference Process Control '05, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras, Slovakia, str. 058f.pdf, 2005.
  203. M. Čižniar – D. Salhi – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: DYNOPT - Dynamic Optimisation Code for MATLAB. V 13th Annual Conference Proceedings of Technical Computing Prague 2005, Humusoft, Praha, str. cizniar.pdf, 2005.
  204. M. Fikar – K. Calík: Automatic Differentiation with DYNO. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, J. Dvoran, V Proceedings of the 15th International Conference Process Control '05, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras, Slovakia, 2005.
  205. M. FikarĽ. Čirka: E-learning Course on Solaris Operating System. Editor(i): Huba, M., V Proceedings of 6th International Conference Virtual University, E-academia Slovaca, Bratislava, str. 72–75, 2005.
  206. M. FikarĽ. Čirka – T. Hirmajer – S. Katuščák – R. Tiňo: Information System for the Project KNIHA.SK. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, J. Dvoran, V Proceedings of the 15th International Conference Process Control '05, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras, Slovakia, 2005.
  207. M. Herceg – M. Fikar: Constrained Predictive Control of a Laboratory Servoengine. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, J. Dvoran, V Proceedings of the 15th International Conference Process Control '05, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras, Slovakia, str. 192f.pdf, 2005.
  208. M. Herceg – M. Fikar: Constrained Predictive Control of a Laboratory Servoengine. Editor(i): M. Vitek, V Proceedings of the international Interdisciplinary Student Competition and Conference. Honeywell EMI conference and competition 2005, VUT Brno, Brno, Czech Republic, str. 93–97, 2005.
  209. T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar – K. Calík: Computations of Sensitivity Coefficients for Dynamic Systems. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, J. Dvoran, V Proceedings of the 15th International Conference Process Control '05, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras, Slovakia, 2005.
  210. F. Lesage – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Recent developments in the dynamic optimisation package DYNO. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, J. Dvoran, V Proceedings of the 15th International Conference Process Control '05, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras, Slovakia, str. 186f.pdf, 2005.
  211. J. MiklešM. FikarĽ. Čirka – L. Dermíšek: Implementation of H2 Optimal Controller with Integral Action. Editor(i): M. H. Hamza, V Proceedings of the 24th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control, ACTA Press, Innsbruck, Austria, str. 457–175, 2005.
  212. M. Bakošová – M. FikarĽ. Čirka: Nové prístupy k vyučovaniu základov automatizácie a riadenia procesov. V Slovenská chémia v 3. tisícročí: WORKSHOP 2004, zborník z Workshopu, STU Bratislava, Bratislava (Slovakia), str. 7–9, 2004.
  213. K. Calík – J. Stopka – M. Fikar – T. Hirmajer: Modellig of heavy gas leakages to the air. Editor(i): J. Markoš, V. Šefuca, V Proceedings of the 31st International Conference of SSCHE, SSCHE Bratislava, Tatranské Matliare (Slovakia), zv. 31, str. CD ROM 149, 2004.
  214. Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar – T. Hirmajer – M. Bakošová: On new trends in control engineering education at FCFT STU. V Proceedings of the 6th Intrernational Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2004, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, str. CD ROM R015, 2004.
  215. J. Dvoran – M. Fikar: Informačné technológie v pedagogickom procese. V Nové trendy v chémii, Vydavateľstvo STU, Bratislava, Bratislava, str. 17–22, 2004.
  216. M. Fikar – B. Chachuat – M. A. Latifi: Dynamic Optimisation of the Aeration in a Small-Size Alternating Activated Sludge Processes. V Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Computer Application in Biotechnology, Nancy, France, 2004.
  217. T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar – K. Calík: Design of a library information system. V Proceedings of the 6th Intrernational Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2004, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, str. CD ROM AR196, 2004.
  218. J. MiklešĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Youla-Kučera parametrisation in self-tuning LQ control of a chemical reactor. V Proceedings of the 7th IFAC International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, Hong Kong (China), str. CD ROM 154, 2004.
  219. J. MiklešĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Closed-loop identification of a chemical reactor. V Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling, ACTA Press, Rhodes (Greece), str. 443–158, 2004.
  220. J. MiklešĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Self-tuning LQ control of a chemical reactor. V Proceedings of the 6th Intrernational Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2004, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, str. CD ROM R257, 2004.
  221. M. Fikar – M. Bakošová – Ľ. Čirka – J. Dvoran: Multimediálne štúdium na FCHPT STU. V Principia Cybernetica ’03, TU Liberec, Liberec (Czech Republic), str. 206–210, 2003.
  222. M. Fikar – B. Chachuat – M. A. Latifi: Dynamic optimisation of alternating activated sludge processes. V Proceedings of the 7th European Control Conference ECC '03, University of Cambridge, Cambridge (UK), 2003.
  223. M. Fikar – H. Unbehauen – J. Mikleš: Using controller knowledge in predictive control. V Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Conference Control Systems Design CSD '03, STU Bratislava, 2003.
  224. M. A. Latifi – M. Fikar – B. Chachuat: DYNO : un code d'optimisation dynamique des procedes. V 9eme Congres Francais de Genie des Procedes, Saint-Nazaire (France), 2003.
  225. M. A. Latifi – M. Fikar – B. Chachuat – N. Roche: Regles simples pour la mise en oeuvre en boucle fermee de l'optimisation dynamique des stations d'epuration de petite taille. V 9eme Congres Francais de Genie des Procedes, Saint-Nazaire (France), 2003.
  226. J. MiklešĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: H2 Optimal Control of a Chemical Reactor. V Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, NTU Athens, Rhodos (Greece), 2003.
  227. J. MiklešĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Youla-Kučera parametrisation in self-tuning LQ control of a chemical reactor. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, J. Dvoran, V Proceedings of the 14th International Conference Process Control '03, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras (Slovakia), 2003.
  228. M. Svetíková – J. Annus – Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Real time control of a laboratory fan heater using dSPACE tools. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, J. Dvoran, V Proceedings of the 14th International Conference Process Control '03, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras (Slovakia), 2003.
  229. Ľ. ČirkaJ. MiklešM. Fikar – J. Jančich: Youla-Kučera parameterization in adaptive LQ control of a laboratory reactor. V Zborník abstraktov Medzinárodnej konferecie SSKI Kybernetika a informatika, SSKI Bratislava, Trebišov (Slovakia), str. CD ROM, 2002.
  230. M. Fikar – B. Chachuat – M. A. Latifi: Optimal control design for an alternating activated sludge process. Editor(i): CD ROM R135, V Proceedings of the 5th Intrernational Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2002, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou (Czech Republic), str. CD ROM R244, 2002.
  231. M. Fikar – H. Unbehauen – J. Mikleš: Relations between stable predictive control and pole placement. V Proceedings of the 15th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, IFAC, Barcelona (Spain), str. CD ROM 1104, 2002.
  232. U. Halldorsson – M. Fikar – H. Unbehauen: Multirate nonlinear predictive control. V Proceedings of the American Control Conference, AACC, Anchorage (USA), str. 4191–4196, 2002.
  233. J. MiklešĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Adaptive LQ control of a CSTR via YK parameterization of the controller and the plant model. Editor(i): CD ROM R135, V Proceedings of the 5th Intrernational Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2002, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou (Czech Republic), str. CD ROM R115, 2002.
  234. J. MiklešĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Closed-loop identification of a CSTR. Editor(i): J. Markoš, V. Šefuca, V Proceedings of the 29th International Conference of SSCHE, SSCHE Bratislava, Tatranské Matliare, High Tatras, Slovakia, str. CD ROM P136, 2002.
  235. Ľ. ČirkaM. FikarJ. Mikleš: A deterministic LQ tracking problem: Parametrisation of the controller and the plant. V Zborník abstraktov Medzinárodnej konferecie SSKI Kybernetika a informatika, SSKI Bratislava, Piešťany (Slovakia), 2001.
  236. Ľ. ČirkaM. FikarJ. Mikleš: A deterministic LQ tracking problem: Parametrisation of the controller and the plant. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, J. Dvoran, V Proceedings of the 13th International Conference Process Control '01, Slovak University of Technology Bratislava, Slovak, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras (Slovakia), 2001.
  237. Ľ. ČirkaJ. MiklešM. Fikar: A deterministic LQ tracking problem: Parametrisation of the controller. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, J. Dvoran, V Proceedings of the 13th International Conference Process Control '01, Slovak University of Technology Bratislava, Slovak, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras (Slovakia), 2001.
  238. U. Halldorsson – M. Fikar – H. Unbehauen: Multirate approach to nonlinear predictive control. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, J. Dvoran, V Proceedings of the 13th International Conference Process Control '01, Slovak University of Technology Bratislava, Slovak, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras (Slovakia), 2001.
  239. Š. Kožka – J. MiklešM. Fikar: The Youla-Kucera parameterisation: Standard and modified identification algorithm. V Proceedings of 2nd International Carpathian Control Conference, AGH Krakow, Krynica (Poland), 2001.
  240. M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Solving LMI problems using LMI Control toolbox. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, J. Dvoran, V Proceedings of the 13th International Conference Process Control '01, Slovak University of Technology Bratislava, Slovak, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras (Slovakia), 2001.
  241. M. KvasnicaM. FikarJ. Mikleš: Robust control of a CSTR via static output feedback: An LMI approach. Editor(i): J. Mikleš, M. Fikar, J. Dvoran, V Proceedings of the 13th International Conference Process Control '01, Slovak University of Technology Bratislava, Slovak, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras (Slovakia), 2001.
  242. Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: IDTOOL - A dynamical system identification toolbox for Matlab. V Proceedings of the 4th Intrernational Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2000, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, str. CD ROM RIP149.2, 2000.

Článok v kolekcii

  1. Ľ. ČirkaM. FikarM. Kvasnica: Real-Time Adaptive Control of a Laboratory Fan Heater Using the Youla–Kučera Parameterisation. V Proceedings IAM 2007 - Workshop on Informatics, Automation and Mathematics, Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kolesárová, A., Bakošová, M., STU Press, str. 99–110, 2007.
  2. T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar: Open-Loop Optimal Control of a Hybrid Coupled Tanks System. V Proceedings IAM 2007 - Workshop on Informatics, Automation and Mathematics, Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kolesárová, A., Bakošová, M., STU Press, str. 64–70, 2007.
  3. M. Kvasnica – M. Herceg – M. Fikar: Polynomial Approximation of Polytopic Regions. V Proceedings IAM 2007 - Workshop on Informatics, Automation and Mathematics, Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kolesárová, A., Bakošová, M., STU Press, str. 59–63, 2007.

Odborný referát

  1. J. HolazaJ. OravecM. Kvasnica – R. Dyrska – M. Mönnigmann – M. Fikar: Accelerating Explicit Model Predictive Control by Constraint Sorting. 2020.
  2. M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: Users Guide for FORTRAN Dynamic Optimisation Code DYNO. LSGC CNRS, Nancy (France), STU Bratislava (Slovakia), 2002.
  3. M. Fikar: Dynamic Optimisation of Small-size Wastewater Treatment Plants. Technical report. Laboratoire des Sciences du Genie Chimique, CNRS, Nancy, France, 2001.

Odborný manuál

  1. M. Fikar: On Automatic Generation of Quizzes using MATLAB and XML in Control Engineering Education. Radlinského 9, 2007.
  2. T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar: Solution of Dynamic Optimization Problems with Sensitivity Equations Approach. FCFT STU, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, Slovakia, 2007.
  3. T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar – E. Balsa-Canto – J. R. Banga: DOTcvp: Dynamic Optimization Toolbox with Control Vector Parameterization approach. Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava 1, Slovak Republic, 2007.
  4. M. Čižniar – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: MATLAB Dynamic Optimisation Code DYNOPT. User's Guide. Bratislava, 2006.
  5. T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar: Optimal Control of a Hybrid Dynamical System: Two-stage Reactor System. FCFT STU, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, Slovakia, 2006.
  6. M. Čižniar – M. Fikar – M. A. Latifi: MATLAB Dynamic Optimisation Code DYNOPT. User's Guide. Bratislava, 2005.
  7. T. Hirmajer – M. Fikar: Optimal Control of a Hybrid Dynamical System: Two Coupled Tanks. FCFT STU, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, Slovakia, 2005.


  1. M. FikarM. KlaučoK. Kiš: A General Controller Tuning using Governors. 2022.
  2. J. Števek – M. Fikar: Teaching aids for laboratory experiments with AR.Drone2 quadrotor - extended version. 2016.
  3. A. Mészáros – M. Bakošová – M. Fikar: A Tribute to the Scientist and Man. 2015.
  4. M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Performance-Lossless Complexity Reduction in Explicit MPC. 2010.
  5. M. Kvasnica – A. Szűcs – M. Fikar: Optimization-Based Automatic Derivation of Hybrid Models. 2010.
  6. M. Kvasnica – M. Herceg – Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Model Predictive Control of a CSTR. 2009.
  7. M. Fikar: On inequality path constraints in dynamic optimisation. 2001.
  8. Ľ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Identification Toolbox for Simulink. 1998.
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