Project number:
STU Kaluz
Title of the project:
Low-cost hardware architecture for implementation of remote control
Project type:
Other projects
Project duration (start):
Project duration (end):
Principal investigator:
Martin Kalúz

Grant: Internal Grant of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

Date: 2013

Annotation: The project is aimed on research of new low-cost approaches for development of hardware architecture of remote control systems in educational environments, and it's practical implementation to support development of remote laboratories. The purpose of new architecture is to substitute traditional expensive hardware components like PCs, industrial controllers, and commercial DAQ devices by cheap alternatives, like microcomputers and programmable cards. The main objective of project is to create methodology for implementation of specific-type remote laboratories, that will provide reproducibility, low acquisition costs, wide connectivity, and functional variability.



  1. Development of five instances of  remote laboratories based on new architecture.
  2. Development and implementation of appropriate software for remote laboratory management and control.
  3. Evaluation of operational effectiveness
  4. Reproducible methodology for implementation of low-cost remote laboratories

Principal researcher: Martin Kalúz



  1. M. KalúzĽ. Čirka – R. Valo – M. Fikar: ArPi Lab: A Low-cost Remote Laboratory for Control Education. In Preprints of the 19th IFAC World Congress Cape Town (South Africa) August 24 - August 29, 2014, 2014.


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