Introduction to the Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Systems

course schedule

1st semester of 2004/2005

Lecturer: Katalin Hangos (
Tutor: Attila Magyar (


Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Department of Mathematical Analysis

Address of BUTE: M
űegyetem rkp. 3-9.
H-1111 Budapest, Hungary

          Assignment systems

week type material file
1 L Linear systems and control theory (a brief introductory summary) LinRsz
2 L Nonlinear state-space models, nonlinear coordinate transformations NonlSP
3 L
Lie-derivatives, zero dynamicsm
4 L Distributions, co-distributions DistCoDist
5 T Tutorial beadando
6 L Nonlinear controllability and observability ContObs
7 T Tutorial 


8 L Nonlinear stability, L2-gain Stabil
9 L Nonlinear controller design: feedback and input-output linearization LineaCont
10 T
11 L
Special nonlinear systems, Hamiltonian system models, loop-shaping
12 L
Direct passivation
13 T Tutorial