IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems
Process Control
Double Degree
  • 19.10.2022 Scientific seminar

    Mikael Kurula: Explicit model predictive control for PDEs

    On Tuesday, October 25, 2pm CEST, a scientific seminar will be held in the series "Research Seminar on Smart Cybernetics". Mikael Kurula from Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland will give a talk entitled "Explicit model predictive control for PDEs".

  • 14.10.2022 Scientific seminar

    Modeling and Optimization of Low-Pressure Gas-Carburizing Furnaces

    On October 18, we organized a scientific seminar on "Modeling and optimization of low-pressure gas-carburizing furnaces". The scientific seminar was lead led by Fatima Matamoros, a PhD student at the Reactions and Chemical Engineering Laboratory, National Center for Scientific Research / Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France, supervised by Prof. Abderrazak M. Latifi. The scientific seminar was organised in the framework of the FrontSeat project, as part of the seminar series on "Research Seminar on Smart Cybernetics".

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  • 3.10.2022 Event

    IAM at the European Night of Researchers

    Thousands of visitors to the European Night of Researchers enjoyed the practical experiments of automation and process control at our IAM stand. We are thankful for the high interest in our stand, where the visitors could enjoy remote control of our smart greenhouse VESNA using the cloud service. Visitors could learn the basic principles of feedback control by controlling the height at which a 3D printed object levitates by the flow of flowing air in the FlexyAir device.


  • 29.9.2022 News

    EURECHA Student Contest Problem 2023

    This Student Contest Problem (SCP) is organized by the European Committee for the Use of Computers in Chemical Engineering Education (EURECHA), with the support of the CAPE Working Party and the Energy section of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering. The contest problem is open to Bachelor/Master/PhD level students. The participants have a few months to prepare and submit solutions to an open problem that involves Energy and Chemical Engineering, while using tools of Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. The deadline for submission is April 15 2023, 23:59 CET. Solutions can be prepared by individuals or by teams.

  • 23.9.2022 Event

    IAM at the Scientific Show

    As part of the big national event The Scientific Show, hundreds of visitors visited also the IAM stand, where they learned more about automation and process control in the chemical and food industry. As part of this event, we also presented the prototype of our smart greenhouse VESNA, which we are developing together with our students.


  • 21.9.2022 Event

    IAM at K&I 2022

    On September 11-14, 2022, we presented our scientific results at International Conference - Cybernetics & Informatics in Visegrád, Hungary.


  • 21.9.2022 Event


    We would like to cordially invite you to the 24th International Conference on Process Control. The conference will be held in Strbske Pleso, High Tatras (Slovakia), on June 6-9, 2023. The objective of the conference is to bring together theory experts and control systems practitioners, to evaluate the new avenues for techniques, design procedures and instruments in process control. The conference will feature plenary and keynotes lectures, standard parallel sessions, a poster session, a dedicated workshop, and a rich social program. Please visit this website anytime for up-to-date information: https://www.process-control.sk

  • 12.9.2022 Event

    Engineering and Technology Pioneers at Bayer

    Bayer once invites Master and PhD students from Europe to our virtual career workshop "Engineering & Technology Pioneers @ Bayer". On three afternoons in November, we will help students gain an insight into our everyday work and career opportunities as well as into technical aspects of our work. The event finishes with information from Human Resources and a talk with a young colleague about applying to and starting to work at Bayer. Students need to apply online, the application deadline is September 30th.

  • 12.9.2022 Event

    Principia Cybernetica 2022

    On September 7-9, we organized the 45th annual meeting of Principia Cybernetica 2022 in Trencin. As a part of the Technical Programme, we have also visited an interesting presentation of HELLA company.


  • 12.9.2022 Event

    IAM at the Summer University at STU

    As part of the Summer University for High School Students at STU, high school students visited on Friday (September, 9) also IAM, where they learned more about automation and process control in the chemical and food industry.


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