Department of Information Engineering and Process Control (DIEPC)
NB 652
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+421 259 325 352
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Research activities:
Model Predictive Control, Hybrid Systems, Process Control


European Projects

  1. [2022 – 2025] Fostering Opportunities Towards Slovak Excellence in Advanced Control for Smart Industries (Investigator, approved)
  2. [2022 – 2025] Advancing Guidelines for RESponsible Machine Learning (RESML) (Principal investigator for FCFT, approved)
  3. [2014 – 2018] Training in Embedded Predictive Control and Optimization (Investigator, approved)

APVV Research Projects

  1. [2024 – 2027] OPTIFLOW: Optimization and Forecasting-driven Control of Microgrid Energy Flows (Investigator, rejected)
  2. [2021 – 2024] Energy-efficient Safe and Secure Process Control (Principal investigator, approved)
  3. [2020 – 2022] Full-Authority Vehicle Control Strategy (Investigator, approved)
  4. [2016 – 2020] Optimal Control for Process Industries (Investigator, approved)
  5. [2012 – 2015] Advanced and effective methods of optimal process control (Investigator, approved)
  6. [2008 – 2011] Model Predictive Control of Hybrid Systems (Investigator, approved)
  7. [2008 – 2010] Algorithms for optimal control of heat and mass transfer processes with hybrid dynamics (Investigator, approved)

VEGA Research Projects

  1. [2024 – 2027] Advanced control of energy-intensive chemical-technological processes using learned approximate explicit controllers (Investigator, approved)
  2. [2023 – 2026] Economically Efficient Predictive Control of Microgrids (Principal investigator for STU, approved)
  3. [2020 – 2023] Advanced Control of Energy Intensive Processes with Uncertainties in Chemical, Biochemical and Food Technologies (Deputy investigator, approved)
  4. [2019 – 2022] On-Line Tunable Explicit Model Predictive Control for Systems with a Fast Dynamics (Principal investigator, approved)
  5. [2016 – 2019] Control of Energy Intensive Processes with Uncertainties in Chemical Technologies and Biotechnologies (Investigator, approved)
  6. [2015 – 2018] Verifiably Safe Optimal Control (Principal investigator, approved)
  7. [2011 – 2014] Model Predictive Control on Platforms with Limited Computational Resources (Principal investigator, approved)
  8. [2009 – 2011] Advanced methods of optimal control of chemical and biochemical processes (Investigator, approved)
  9. [2006 – 2008] Optimisation and Control of Chemical and Biochemical Processes (Investigator, approved)

KEGA Research Projects

  1. [2009 – 2011] Development of Virtual and Remote Experiments for a Network of on-line Laboratories (Investigator, approved)


  1. [2017 – 2022] Embedded Optimal Control (Investigator, approved)
  2. [2018 – 2019] CN-SK cooperation: Verified Estimation and Control of Chemical Processes (Investigator, approved)
  3. [2015 – 2017] Support of international mobilites between STU Bratislava, NTNU Trondheim, and Universität Liechtenstein (Investigator, approved)
  4. [2010 – 2011] Enhancing NO-SK Cooperation in Automatic Control (Investigator, approved)
  5. [2008 – 2009] SK-CZ cooperation: Algorithms for control of processes with mass and heat transfer (Investigator, approved)

Other projects

  1. [2019 – 2021] Excellency Team: Optimal and Predictive Process Control (Principal investigator, approved)
  2. [2020 – 2020] Collaborative research agreement with Neurocast (Principal investigator, approved)
  3. [2017 – 2019] Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Process Control and Automation (Investigator, approved)
  4. [2006 – 2007] ECO-NET: Polynomial Optimisation for Complex Systems (Investigator, approved)

State Projects

  1. [2020 – 2020] (Principal investigator, approved)
  2. [2019 – 2019] STU as the Leader of Digital Coalition (Investigator, approved)

European Social Funds

  1. [2007 – 2008] PhD students for modern industrial automation in Slovak Republic (Investigator, approved)
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