- Project number:
- ITMS: 13120200115
- Title of the project:
- Development of human resources for research in the field of automation
- Project type:
- European Social Funds
- Project duration (start):
- 01.01.2004
- Project duration (end):
- 31.12.2006
- Principal investigator for FCFT:
- Miroslav Fikar
- Investigators:
- Monika Bakošová, Alajos Mészáros, Ján Mikleš
The main aim of the project is to improve quality of employment of
Bratislava region using development of human resources in research.
Project should enforce regional research in automation, to create
and develop learning society and network connected to national and
international communities, to transfer the newest knowledge from
academia to industry, and to increase awareness of enterprises
about the research potential in the region.
Selected publications from the project
Huba, M. – Kamenský, M. – Bisták, P. – Fikar, M.: Blended Learning Course: Constrained PID Control. Editor(s): S. Dormido, A. Fernandez, F. Morilla, R. Pastor, In Preprints of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, Madrid, pp. 161.pdf, 2006.
Čižniar, M. – Fikar, M. – Latifi, M. A.: A Matlab Package for Dynamic Optimisation of Processes. In Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2006, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, pp. R118.pdf, 2006.
Čižniar, M. – Salhi, D. – Fikar, M. – Latifi, M. A.: DYNOPT - Dynamic Optimisation Code for MATLAB. In 13th Annual Conference Proceedings: Technical Computing Prague 2005, pp. cizniar.pdf, 2005.
Čižniar, M.: Dynamic Optimisation of Proceses. Master's thesis, KIRP FCHPT STU, Bratislava, 2005.
- M. Fikar, Dynamic Optimisation of Processes (in Slovak), 161pp, STU in Bratislava and E-academia Slovaca, Bratislava, 2007.