Process Control

Conference Workshops

Workshop on Model Predictive Control


The talk discusses the synthesis of robust model predictive controllers utilizing basic set theoretic concepts. The talk has three main parts. The first part of the talk summarizes briefly basic ideas of model predictive and receding horizon control synthesis for deterministic but constrained discrete time control systems. The most relevant concepts and results relevant for model predictive and receding horizon control paradigms as well as similarity and differences of the two are outlined in a concise and a compact manner. The remaining two parts of the talk are concerned with the synthesis of robust, state and output feedback, model predictive controllers guaranteeing strong system theoretic properties of the controlled, uncertain, dynamics. A few simple examples are provided to outline the lack of the geometric robustness of nominal model predictive control and the consequent need for robust model predictive control synthesis. The inherent lack of robustness of nominal model predictive control is addressed by discussing a recently introduced tube model predictive control paradigm for two cases; Namely, for the case when the state of the system is known (measured) and for the case when the state of the system is known partially via the knowledge of the known (measured) output of the system. The second part of the talk focuses on tube model predictive control when the available information is the state of the system leading to a simplified and robust, state feedback, model predictive control synthesis method. The final part of the talk provides a natural tube model predictive control methodology permitting for the simplified synthesis of robust, output feedback, model predictive controllers. It is outlined that set invariance related concepts play a fundamental role permitting for the synthesis of tube model predictive controllers guaranteeing, under natural and mild assumptions, strong system theoretic properties of the controlled, uncertain, dynamics.

Target Audience:

Graduate students, researchers, and industry professionals.


Mato Baotic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Sasa Rakovic, Imperial College London, UK

Workshop Venue and Travel

Wednesday, June 10th, 2pm - 6pm, Hall A. Free attendance.


Dr. Mato Baotic received a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Currently he is an assistant professor at the Department of Control and Computer Engineering in Automation, FEEC, University of Zagreb, Croatia. His research interests include mathematical programming, hybrid systems, optimal control and model predictive control.

Dr. Sasa V. Rakovic received PhD degree in Control Theory from Imperial College London. His PhD thesis, entitled Robust Control of Constrained Discrete Time Systems: Characterization and Implementation, was awarded the Eryl Cadwaladr Davies Prize as the best PhD thesis in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department of Imperial College London in 2005. He held posts of a Research Associate at Imperial College London (2004 -- 11/2006) and a Postdoctoral Researcher at the ETH Zurich (11/2006 -- 11/2008). He is currently a Scientific Associate at the Institute for Automation Engineering, Otto–von–Guericke–Universitat Magdebur and an Honorary Research Associate at the CPSE of Imperial College London. His main research interests lie within the areas of control synthesis and analysis as well as decision making under constraints and uncertainty.

Návrh regulace elektromechanického systému v prostředí MATLAB & Simulink


Cílem semináře je seznámit posluchače s využitím nástrojů Simulinku pro fyzikální modelování soustav a nastavení regulačních algoritmů pomocí optimalizace. Fyzikální modelování je metoda, která usnadňuje vytváření simulačních modelů dynamických systémů. Modely jsou sestavovány postupným skládáním prvků, které reprezentují elementární části reálných soustav. Signály v modelech představují reálné fyzikální veličiny a mají přiřazeny fyzikální jednotky. Metoda je vhodná i pro soustavy, kde dochází k prolínání několika fyzikálních oblastí.

V semináři bude podrobně ukázán příklad modelování systému leteckého křidélka. Soustava se skládá z mechanické a elektromechanické části řízené regulátorem. Mechanická část je modelována v nadstavbě SimMechanics. Model elektromechanické části s regulací je postupně vytvářen v několika úrovních propracovanosti, od zjednodušeného návrhu v Simulinku po detailní analogovou implementaci v modulech Simscape a SimElectronics. K nastavení vhodných parametrů modelu a regulátoru jsou využity nástroje automatické optimalizace. Seminář je určen pro všechny, kteří se chtějí blíže seznámit s nástroji pro simulaci dynamických systémů, modelování fyzikálních soustav a automatické nastavení regulačních algoritmů.

Workshop Language:

Czech, Slovak

Target Audience:

Graduate students, researchers, and industry professionals.


Jaroslav Jirkovský, HUMUSOFT s.r.o.

Workshop Venue and Travel

Tuesday, June 9th, 3pm - 6pm, Hall A. Free attendance.


Presentation, Webinar - Modelovani elektromechanickych systemu s vyuzitim SimElectronics.

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