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  1. M. FikarM. KlaučoR. Paulen: Theory of Automatic Control I. Practice Examples, FCHPT STU v Bratislave, 2022.
  2. M. Klaučo: Úvod do riadenia procesov - Elektronický učebný text, Slovenská chemická knižnica, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, 2022.
  3. M. KlaučoM. Kvasnica: MPC-Based Reference Governors, Editor(i): M. J. Grimble, A. Ferrara, Springer, 2019.

Článok v časopise

  1. D. Efremov – T. Haniš – M. Klaučo: Vehicle and Wheels Stability Defined Using Driving Envelope Protection Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, str. 1–13, 2024.
  2. M. Furka – M. KalúzM. FikarM. Klaučo: Guidelines for Secure Process Control: Harnessing the Power of Homomorphic Encryption and State Feedback Control. IEEE ACCESS, 2023.   Zenodo
  3. J. Drgoňa – K. Kiš – A. Tuor – D. Vrabie – M. Klaučo: Differentiable predictive control: Deep learning alternative to explicit model predictive control for unknown nonlinear systems. Journal of Process Control, zv. 116, str. 80–92, 2022.
  4. J. OravecM. Klaučo: Real-time tunable approximated explicit MPC. Automatica, zv. 142, str. 110315, 2022.
  5. M. Furka – M. KlaučoM. Kvasnica: Stabilization of Furuta Pendulum using Nonlinear MPC. Research Papers Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava, č. 45, zv. 27, str. 42–48, 2019.
  6. K. KišM. Klaučo: Neural network based explicit MPC for chemical reactor control. Acta Chimica Slovaca, č. 2, zv. 12, str. 218–223, 2019.
  7. M. KlaučoM. KalúzM. Kvasnica: Machine learning-based warm starting of active set methods in embedded model predictive control. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, zv. 77, str. 1–8, 2019.
  8. M. KvasnicaP. BakaráčM. Klaučo: Complexity reduction in explicit MPC: A reachability approach. Systems & Control Letters, zv. 124, str. 19–26, 2019.
  9. J. HolazaM. Klaučo – J. Drgoňa – J. OravecM. KvasnicaM. Fikar: MPC-Based Reference Governor Control of a Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor. Computers & Chemical Engineering, zv. 165, str. 289–299, 2018.
  10. M. KlaučoĽ. Čirka – J. Kukla: Non-linear model predictive control of conically shaped liquid storage tanks. Acta Chimica Slovaca, č. 2, zv. 11, str. 141–146, 2018.
  11. J. Drgoňa – M. Klaučo – F. Janeček – M. Kvasnica: Optimal control of a laboratory binary distillation column via regionless explicit MPC. Computers & Chemical Engineering, zv. 96, str. 139–148, 2017.
  12. M. KlaučoM. KalúzM. Kvasnica: Real-time implementation of an explicit MPC-based reference governor for control of a magnetic levitation system. Control Engineering Practice, č. 60, str. 99–105, 2017.
  13. M. KlaučoM. Kvasnica: Control of a boiler-turbine unit using MPC-based reference governors. Applied Thermal Engineering, zv. 110, str. 1437–1447, 2017.
  14. M. Klaučo – R. Valo – J. Drgoňa: Reflux control of a laboratory distillation column via MPC-based reference governor. Acta Chimica Slovaca, č. 2, zv. 10, str. 139–143, 2017.
  15. J. OravecM. KlaučoM. Kvasnica – J. Löfberg: Computationally Tractable Formulations for Optimal Path Planning with Interception of Targets’ Neighborhoods. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, č. 5, zv. 40, str. 1221–1230, 2017.
  16. M. Klaučo – S. Blažek – M. Kvasnica: An Optimal Path Planning Problem for Heterogeneous Multi-Vehicle Systems. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, č. 2, zv. 26, str. 297–308, 2016.

Príspevok na konferencii

  1. M. KlaučoP. Valábek: Application of Machine Learning in Accelerating MPC for Chemical Processes. V 12th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, 2024.   Zenodo
  2. P. ValábekM. FikarM. Klaučo: Enhancing Closed-Loop Performance in Manufacturing Processes Using Universal Controller Tuning for Industrial Practice. V 12th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, str. 375–380, 2024.   Zenodo
  3. M. FikarK. KišM. Klaučo – M. Mönnigmann: Simple Tuning of Arbitrary Controllers using Governors. V IFAC World Congress 2023, Yokohama, Japan, str. 9109–9114, 2023.     Zenodo
  4. M. Furka – J. HolazaM. Klaučo: Towards Fully Homomorphic Explicit Model Predictive Control via Polynomial Approximation. Editor(i): R. Paulen and M. Fikar, V Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Process Control - Summaries Volume, Slovak Chemical Library, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Radlinského 9, SK812-37, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2023.
  5. M. HorváthováL. GalčíkováM. KlaučoJ. Oravec: Real-Time Optimisation-Based Robust Control: Heat Exchanger Comparative Analysis. V 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, Singapore, str. 6535–6540, 2023.
  6. K. KišM. Klaučo: Nearly-optimal Explicit MPC-based Reference Governors with Long Prediction Horizons Generated with Machine Learning. Editor(i): R. Paulen and M. Fikar, V Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Process Control - Summaries Volume, Slovak Chemical Library, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Radlinského 9, SK812-37, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2023.
  7. P. ValábekM. Klaučo: Generation of MPC-like Explicit Control Laws with Reinforcement Machine Learning. Editor(i): R. Paulen and M. Fikar, V Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Process Control - Summaries Volume, Slovak Chemical Library, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Radlinského 9, SK812-37, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2023.
  8. D. Efremov – M. Klaučo – T. Haniš: Driving Envelope: On Vehicle Stability Through Tire Capacities. V IEEE INTELLIGENT VEHICLES SYMPOSIUM, IEEE, str. 1188–1193, 2022.
  9. M. Furka – K. KišM. Klaučo: Control of a Chemical Reactor with High Precision Encryption Framework. V 2022 Cybernetics & Informatics (K&I), str. 1–6, 2022.
  10. K. KišP. BakaráčM. Klaučo: Nearly Optimal Tunable MPC Strategies on Embedded Platforms. V 18th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization, IFAC-PapersOnline, str. 326–331, 2022.
  11. D. Efremov – T. Haniš – M. Klaučo: Haptic Driver Guidance for Lateral Driving Envelope Protection Using Model Predictive Control. V IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IEEE Xplore, Las Vegas, NV, USA, USA, 2021.
  12. M. Furka – K. KišP. BakaráčM. Klaučo: Nonlinear MPC Policy for Systems with Data Driven Identification. V Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, IFAC-PapersOnline, č. 54, 2021.
  13. M. Furka – K. KišM. KlaučoM. Kvasnica: Usage of Homomorphic Encryption Algorithms in Process Control. Editor(i): R. Paulen and M. Fikar, V Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Process Control, IEEE, Slovak University of Technology, str. 43–48, 2021.
  14. K. KišM. KlaučoM. Kvasnica: Explicit MPC in the form of Sparse Neural Networks. Editor(i): R. Paulen and M. Fikar, V Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Process Control, IEEE, Slovak University of Technology, str. 163–168, 2021.
  15. D. Efremov – M. Klaučo – T. Haniš – M. Hromčík: Driving Envelope Definition and Envelope Protection Using Model Predictive Control. V Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2020.
  16. K. KišM. KlaučoA. Mészáros: Neural Network Controllers in Chemical Technologies. V 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference of System of Systems Engineering, IEEE, str. 397–402, 2020.
  17. Y. Lohr – M. KlaučoM. Fikar – M. Mönnigmann: Machine Learning Assisted Solutions of Mixed Integer MPC on Embedded Platforms. Editor(i): Rolf Findeisen, Sandra Hirche, Klaus Janschek, Martin Mönnigmann, V Preprints of the 21st IFAC World Congress (Virtual), Berlin, Germany, July 12-17, 2020, zv. 21, 2020.
  18. A. Schirrer – T. Haniš – M. Klaučo – S. Thormann – M. Hromčík – S. Jakubek: Safety-extended Explicit MPC for Autonomous Truck Platooning on Varying Road Conditions. Editor(i): Rolf Findeisen, Sandra Hirche, Klaus Janschek, Martin Mönnigmann, V Preprints of the 21st IFAC World Congress (Virtual), Berlin, Germany, July 12-17, 2020, zv. 21, 2020.
  19. M. Furka – M. Klaučo: Development and Implementation of Control Algorithms for Furuta Pendulum. Editor(i): M. Fikar and M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Process Control, Slovak Chemical Library, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, 2019.
  20. M. KalúzM. KlaučoĽ. ČirkaM. Fikar: Flexy2: A Portable Laboratory Device for Control Engineering Education. V 12th IFAC Symposium Advances in Control Education, str. 159–164, 2019.
  21. K. KišM. Klaučo: Neural Networks Trained as Explicit Tunable MPC Feedback Controllers. Editor(i): M. Fikar and M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Process Control, Slovak Chemical Library, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, 2019.
  22. M. KlaučoM. Kvasnica: Parametric Optimization with the MPT Toolbox and its Applications in Optimal Control. V 30th European Conference on Operational Research, Dublin, zv. 30, 2019.
  23. Y. Lohr – M. KlaučoM. Kalúz – M. Mönnigmann: Mimicking Predictive Control with Neural Networks in Domestic Heating Systems. Editor(i): M. Fikar and M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Process Control, Slovak Chemical Library, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, str. 19–24, 2019.
  24. P. BakaráčJ. HolazaM. KlaučoM. Kalúz – J. Löfberg – M. Kvasnica: Explicit MPC based on Approximate Dynamic Programming. V European Control Conference 2018, Limassol, Cyprus, str. 1172–1177, 2018.
  25. P. BakaráčM. KlaučoM. Fikar: Comparison of Inverted Pendulum Stabilization with PID, LQ, and MPC Control. Editor(i): J. Cigánek, Š. Kozák, A. Kozáková, V 2018 Cybernetics & Informatics (K&I), Slovak Chemical Library, Bratislava, Lazy pod Makytou, Slovakia, zv. 29, 2018.
  26. M. KlaučoM. Kvasnica: Towards On-Line Tunable Explicit MPC Using Interpolation. V Preprints of the 6th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 2018.
  27. J. HolazaM. KlaučoM. Kvasnica: Solution Techniques for Multi-Layer MPC-Based Control Strategies. V Preprints of the 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, zv. 20, 2017.
  28. J. Holaza – R. Valo – M. Klaučo: A Novel Approach of Control Design of the pH in the Neutralization Reactor. Editor(i): M. Fikar and M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Process Control, Slovak Chemical Library, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, str. 191–196, 2017.
  29. D. Ingole – J. Drgoňa – M. KalúzM. Klaučo – M. Bakošová – M. Kvasnica: Model Predictive Control of a Combined Electrolyzer-Fuel Cell Educational Pilot Plant. Editor(i): M. Fikar and M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Process Control, Slovak Chemical Library, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, str. 147–154, 2017.
  30. F. Janeček – M. KlaučoM. KalúzM. Kvasnica: OPTIPLAN: A Matlab Toolbox for Model Predictive Control with Obstacle Avoidance. V Preprints of the 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, zv. 20, 2017.
  31. F. Janeček – M. KlaučoM. Kvasnica: Trajectory Planning and Following for UAVs with Nonlinear Dynamics. Editor(i): M. Fikar and M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Process Control, Slovak Chemical Library, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, str. 333–338, 2017.
  32. J. Drgoňa – F. Janeček – M. KlaučoM. Kvasnica: Regionless Explicit MPC of a Distillation Column. V European Control Conference 2016, Aalborg, Denmark, str. 1568–1573, 2016.
  33. D. Ingole – J. Drgoňa – M. KalúzM. Klaučo – M. Bakošová – M. Kvasnica: Explicit Model Predictive Control of a Fuel Cell. V The European Conference on Computational Optimization, Leuven, Belgium, zv. 4, 2016.
  34. M. Jelemenský – M. KlaučoR. Paulen – J. Lauwers – F. Logist – J. Van Impe – M. Fikar: Time-Optimal Control and Parameter Estimation of Diafiltration Processes in the Presence of Membrane Fouling. V 11th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems, zv. 11, str. 242–247, 2016.
  35. J. Drgoňa – M. KlaučoM. Kvasnica: MPC-Based Reference Governors for Thermostatically Controlled Residential Buildings. V 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan, zv. 54, 2015.
  36. J. Drgoňa – M. Klaučo – R. Valo – J. Bendžala – M. Fikar: Model Identification and Predictive Control of a Laboratory Binary Distillation Column. Editor(i): M. Fikar and M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak Chemical Library, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, 2015.
  37. M. KalúzM. KlaučoM. Kvasnica: Real-Time Implementation of a Reference Governor on the Arduino Microcontroller. Editor(i): M. Fikar and M. Kvasnica, V Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak Chemical Library, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, str. 350–356, 2015.
  38. M. Nehéz – D. Bernát – M. Klaučo: Comparison of Algorithms for Near-Optimal Dominating Sets Computation in Real-World Networks. Editor(i): B. Rachev, A. Smrikarov, V Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Dublin, Ireland, str. 199–206, 2015.
  39. J. OravecM. KlaučoM. Kvasnica – J. Löfberg: Optimal Vehicle Routing with Interception of Targets’ Neighbourhoods. V European Control Conference 2015, Linz, Austria, str. 2538–2543, 2015.
  40. M. Klaučo – S. Blažek – M. KvasnicaM. Fikar: Mixed-Integer SOCP Formulation of the Path Planning Problem for Heterogeneous Multi-Vehicle Systems. V European Control Conference 2014, Strasbourg, France, str. 1474–1479, 2014.
  41. M. Klaučo – J. Drgoňa – M. Kvasnica – S. Di Cairano: Building Temperature Control by Simple MPC-like Feedback Laws Learned from Closed-Loop Data. V Preprints of the 19th IFAC World Congress Cape Town (South Africa) August 24 - August 29, 2014, str. 581–586, 2014.
  42. M. Klaučo – M. Jelemenský – R. Valo – M. Fikar: Identification and Control of a Laboratory Distillation Column. Editor(i): J. Cigánek, Š. Kozák, A. Kozáková, D. Rosinová, V Medzinárodná konferencia Kybernetika a Informatika '14, Nakladateľstvo STU v Bratislave, Oščadnica, zv. 27, 2014.
  43. M. KlaučoM. Kvasnica: Explicit MPC Approach to PMV-Based Thermal Comfort Control. V 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, California, USA, zv. 53, str. 4856–4861, 2014.
  44. J. Drgoňa – M. KvasnicaM. KlaučoM. Fikar: Explicit Stochastic MPC Approach to Building Temperature Control. V IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, str. 6440–6445, 2013.
  45. M. Klaučo – N. K. Poulsen – M. Mirzaei – N. Ishihara: Frequency Weighted Model Predictive Control of Wind Turbine. Editor(i): Fikar, M., Kvasnica, M., V Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Process Control, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, str. 347–352, 2013.
  46. M. KlaučoM. Kvasnica: Modeling of Networked Systems in Simulink. Editor(i): Ivan Taufer, Daniel Honc, Milan Javurek, V Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2012, University of Pardubice, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, 2012.

Ochranné známky, úžitkové vzory a patenty

  1. P. BakaráčM. KlaučoJ. Oravec – M. Furka: Mikroprocesorová platforma s vnoreným dynamickým procesom. 2020.
  2. P. BakaráčM. KlaučoJ. Oravec: Elektronická senzorová doska. 2019.

Dizertačná práca

  1. M. Klaučo: MPC-based Reference Governors: Theory and Applications. ÚIAM FCHPT STU v Bratislave, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, 2017.

Diplomová práca

  1. M. Klaučo: MPC-Based Reference Governors. Diplomová práca, ÚIAM FCHPT STU v Bratislave., Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, 2013.

Bakalárska práca

  1. M. Klaučo: Tvorba GUI pre syntézu robustných PI regulátorov. Bakalárska práca, ÚIAM FCHPT STU v Bratislave, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, 2010.

Odborný manuál

  1. M. Klaučo: Modeling of the Closed-loop System with a Set of PID controllers. Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, 2016.


  1. M. FikarM. KlaučoK. Kiš: A General Controller Tuning using Governors. 2022.
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